

Тантрическая тхеравада: эссе с обзором работ, посвященных традиции йогавачара


<<К оглавлению «Тантрическая тхеравада»

Abbreviations used in the publications of Bizot et al (154).

B.E.F.E.O. Bulletin de l’Ecole francaise d’Extreme-Orient. The journal of EFEO,q.v.

E.F.E.O. Ecole francaise d’Extreme-Orient. Originally founded under the name ‘Mission Archeologique en Indochine’ in 1898 for the purpose of archeological exploration, collection of manuscripts, conservation of monuments, and the study of history and linguistic heritage of all Asian civilisations. First based in Saigon, then Hanoi in 1902, where they established a library and museum, taking charge of the conservation of the site at Angkor in 1907. Political events led to EFEO’s base being moved to Paris (155).

F.E.M.C. Fonds pour I’Edition des Manuscrits du Cambodge is the branch of F.E.M. for research into and conservation of Cambodian manuscripts, and the study of the Buddhism of Indochina, particularly in its local forms. It was established in 1989 and set up its headquarters near to the Silver Pagoda of the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh in 1990 when EFEO reestablished a base in Phnom Penh after two decades absence (156).

F.E.M. Fonds pour l’Edition des Manuscrits was established by EFEO, with its headquarters in Chang Mai, Thailand, in 1975.

P.E.F.E.O. Publications de l’Ecole francaise d’Extreme-Orient. Monographs published by E.F.E.O., q.v.

TBC Textes bouddhiques du Cambodge. An EFEO publication series devoted to the publication of Buddhist texts from Cambodia in their original script, transcribed into modem Khmer script and translated into French (157).

TBL Textes bouddhiques du Laos, parallel to TBC above.

TBT Textes bouddhiques du Thailande, parallel to TBC above.

TKlTL plus number. These numbers are used to identifY manuscript sources used in the works of Bizot et al. They are the cataloguing codes used in the recording of manuscripts in the EFEO project from the early 1970s.


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Bizot, F. (1981a). Le donne de soi-meme, Recherches sur le bouddhisme khmer I1I, PEFEO, voI.CXXX, Paris.

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Bizot, F. (1993), Le Bouddhisme des Thais, Editions des Cahiers de France, Bangkok.

Bizot, F. and O. von Hiniiber (1994a). La guirlande de Joyaux, Textes bouddhiques du Cambodge no.II, Collection de l’Ecole francaise d’Ext.-Orient, Paris.

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Bizot, F. & F. Lagirarde (1996), La purete par les mots, Textes bouddhiques du Laos I, Ecole francaise d’Extreme-Orient, Paris, Chiang Mai.

Bruguier, Bruno (1996), “L’Ecole francaise d’Extreme-Orient, Historique”, EFEO Bulletin de liaison des Recherchers au Cambodge. No.1, April. p.2.

Carrithers, M. (1983). The Forest Monks of Sri Lanka, An Anthropological and Historical Study, Oxford University Press, Delhi.

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de Bemon, Olivier (1994), “Le Trai Bhet: une autre version de la legende de Rama?” in Bizot (l994c) ed: 79-95.

de Bemon, Olivier (1996), “Etude du Bouddhisme & Sauvegarde des Manuscrits a l’EFEO”, EFEO Bulletin de liaison des Recherchers au Cambodge. No.l, April. p.3.

Ferlus, Michel (1994), “Kamratiiil, kamrataii, kamrateIi, et autres: un cas d’imbrication lexicale entre le khmer et le mon”, in Bizot 1994c: 19-25.

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