


Дэвидсон Р. М. «Индийский эзотерический буддизм: социальная история тантрического движения»
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AS                         Arthasastra

Asc.                      Ascribed to

BEFEO                  Bulletin de l’École Française d’Extrême Orient

BST                      Buddhist Sanskrit Texts series

CAJ                      Central Asiatic Journal

CII                        Corpus Inscriptionem Indicarum

EI                          Epigraphia Indica

GOS                      Gaekwad’s Oriental Series

HOS                      Harvard Oriental Series

HT                        Hevajra Tantra

IA                          Indian Antiquary

IHQ                       Indian Historical Quarterly

IIJ                         Indo-Iranian Journal

JA                         Journal Asiatique

JAOS                    Journal of the American Oriental Society

JIABS                   Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies

JASB                    Journal of the (Royal) Asiatic Society of Bengal

LL                         Lam ‘bras slob bshad

MCB                     Mélanges chinois et bouddhiques

MDS                     Manava Dharma Sastra

Pe.                        Peking canon numbers (Suzuki 1957)

RBTS                    Rare Buddhist Text Series (Sarnath)

SKB                      Sa-skya bKa’-’bum (Bsod Nams Rgya Mtsho 1969)

T.                          Taisho shinshu daizokyo number; Takakusu and Watanabe 1924–34

To.                         sDe-dge canon numbers (UI et al. 1934)

TSWS                   Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series

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