9. Библиография
Первичные источники
Dhyanottarapatalatika. Buddhaguhya. Q. 3495.
Dkar chag ‘phang thang ma. Full title: Dkar chag ‘phang thang ma/ Sgra sbyor bam po gnyispa. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrunldiang, 2003.
Fodingzunshengtuoluoniniansongyiguifa. Amoghavajra.T. 972.
Mahavairocana Vrtti. Full title: Vairocanabhisambodhivikurvitadhistanamahatantravr tti. Buddhaguhya. Q. 3490.
Pindartha. Full title: VairocanShhisambodhitantrapindartha. Buddhaguhya. Q. 3486.
Zangs gling ma. Nyang nyi ma ‘od zer gyis gter nas bton. Full title: Slob dpon padma’I mam thar zangs gling ma bzhugs. Chengdu, China: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1989.
Zunsheng Foding xiu yujia fa guiyi Subhakarasirnha. T. 973.
Вторичные источники
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