

Ранний период развития буддистской литературы и языка в Индии

13. Приложение

Dip V 32-38; 49-51 = Kv-a 3ft”.:

Mahasamgitika bhikkhu vilomam akamisu sasanatn.

Bhinditva mlasamgaham annam akamsu samgahami. (32)

Annattha sangahitam suttam annattha akarmsu te.

Attham dhamman ca bhindimsu ye Nikayesu pancasu. (33)

Pariyayadesitan capi atho nippariyayadesitanx

nitattham c’eva neyyattham ajanitvana bhikkhavo (34)

annam. sandhaya bhan. itam. annattha t.hapayim. su te.

Vyanjanacchayaya te bhikkhu bahum attham vinasayum. (35)

Chaddetva ekadesam Suttam Vinayan ca gambhiram,

patirupam Suttam Vinayam tan ca annam karimsu te. (36)

Parivaram Atth’uddharam Abhidhammappakaranam,

Patisambhidan ca Niddesam ekadesan ca Jatakam,

 ettakam. vissajjetvana annani akarim. su te. (37)

Namam lingam parikkharam akappakaramiani ca,

pakatibhavam. vijahetva tan ca annam. akam. su te. (38)

Ime ekadasa vada pabhinna theravadato,

attham dhamman ca bhindimsu; ekadesan ca sangaham,

ganthan ca ekadesamhi chad. d. etvana akam. su te. (49)

Namam lingam parikkharam akappakaramiani ca,

Pakatibhavam vijahetva tan ca annam akamsu te. (50)

Sattarasa bhinnavada, ekavado abhinnako,

Sabbe v’ attharasa honti ‘bhinnavadena te saha.(51)


14. Текстуальные примечания:

35b: read annattha; eds and Mss vary between annattham and annam attham. 35d: Ee: bahu.

36c: so Kv-a (Ee1979); Ee: Suttavinayam.

37b: Kv-a (Ee1979): Abhidhammam chappakaranam (this derives from the context in Kv-a – Kv does not exist until the 3rd Sangiti); Ee: Abhidhamma-ppakaranam. Read: chappakarakam.

38b & 50b: many eds and Mss read: akappakaraniyani; write: karaniyani m.c.

38c & 50c: Ee: vijahetva; vl to Ee: vijahitva; Kv-a (Ee1979): jahitvana; vl to

Kv-a (Ee1979): jahitva. 49e: so Kv-a (Ee1979); Ee: ganythin; VRI: gathan?


15. Примечания по аббревиатурам и источникам

Abbreviations of the names of Pali and Sanskrit texts in this paper follow the system of the Critical Pali Dictionary.

See: http://pali.hum.ku.dk/cpd/intro/vol1_epileg_abbrev_texts.html

Page references for Pali texts are to the Pali Text Society (PTS) edition (Ee), where available, otherwise to the Burmese edition (Be) as given on the Vipassana Research Institute (VRI) CD, unless otherwise indicated.


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