Библиография представлена в следующем порядке: индийские и якобы индийские источники, китайские источники, местные тибетские источники и источники на западных языках. Я отделил китайские канонические материалы от индийских и якобы индийских источников, потому что их сложно расположить в порядке индийского алфавита.
Ascribed to Kuddalapada. Edited with Guhyasiddhi, pp. 195-208. Translated by Ratnavajra and ‘Brog-mi Shakya ye-shes, LL XI.347-62. Translated by *Sukhankura and ‘Gos [Khug-pa lhas-btsas]; To. 2228. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, wi, fols. 99b5-i04b6.
Edited by Haraprasad Shastri, 1927. GOS no. 40. Baroda: Oriental Institute.
To. 414. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 259b3-6ib3.
Edited by Pralhad Pradhan, 1975. Abhidharmakosabhasyam of Vasubandhu.
Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, vol. 8, 2nd rev. ed. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.
Edited by Pradhan Pralhad, 1950. Abhidharma Samuccaya of Asanga. Santiniketan: Visvabharati. To. 4049; T. 1605.
To. 369. bKa gyur, rgyud Turn, ka, fols. 24731-37037.
Asc. Maitreya. Edited by Theodore Stcherbatsky and Eugene Obermiller, 1929. Abhisamayalamkara-Prajnaparamita-upadesasastra. Bibliotheca Buddhica 23.
St. Petersburg: Academy of Sciences of USSR.
Asc. Haribhadra. Edited with Astasahasrika-prajnaparamita, pp. 267-558.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2285. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 142117-4531.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2044. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. I43a2-44a2.
Edited and translated by R. R Kangle, i960. The Kautiliya Arthasastra. University of Bombay Studies in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Pali, nos. 1-3. Bombay: University of Bombay.
278. To. 44. bKa ‘gyur, phal chen, vols. ka-ga.
Edited by P. L. Vaidya, i960. Astasdhasrwa Prajnaparamita with Haribhadra’s Commentary Called Aloka. Buddhist Sanskrit Texts no. 4. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.
To. 591. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud Turn, pha, fols. iizby-iqwj.
A li ka li gsang ba bsam gyis myi khyab pa chu klung chen po’i rgyud.
In Dam chos snyingpo zhi byed las rgyud kyi snyan rgyud zab ched ma, vol. 1, pp. 6-114; 3 chaps, in gDams ngag mdzod, vol. 9, pp. 2-16.
Asc. *Sahajavilasa. To. 1705. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, sha, fols. 62a2-63b3-
Asc. Birba-pa. To. 1744. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, sha, fols. mb6-i3b2.
‘Odgsal ‘char ba’i rim pa.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2019. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. 8ob5-8ia6.
Asc. Kanha. To. 1451. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, wa, fols. 355by – 58by.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2344. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 2b7-3a5.
Kanhapadasya dohakosa.
Edited and translated by M. Shahidullah, 1928. Les Chants mystiques de Kanha et de Saraha – Les Doha-Kosa. Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve. Edited by Prabodh Chandra Bagchi, 1935. Dohakosa. University of Calcutta Journal of the Department of Letters, vol. 28.
Asc. Buddhajnanapada. To. 2085. bsTan gyur, rgyud, tsi, fol. i6ia6 – b5_
Edited by Biswanath Banerjee, 1985. A Critical Edition of Sri Kdlacakratantra- Raja (collated with the Tibetan version). Calcutta: Asiatic Society.
To. 1319. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ta, fols. 245a6-47a5.
Edited by Samdhong Rinpoche and Vrajvallabh Dvivedi, 1992. Krsnayamari- tantram with Ratndvali Panjika of Kumaracandra. Rare Buddhist Text Series, no. 9. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Asc. Padmapani. To. 1922. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, bi, fols. 3^5-33737.
Durjayacandra. To. 1185. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ga, fols. xbi-58b4. bsKyed rim zab pa’i tshul dgus brgyan pa.
Asc. Padmavajra but written by Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. Podser LL XI.419-41.
To. 386. bKa gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. I99a7-202ai.
1217. To. 604. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, vol. pha, fols. 269a3-8ya7; vol. ba, fols. ibi-35b7.
Edited by Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki and Hokei Itsumi, 1949. The Gandavyuha Sutra. 2nd rev. ed. Tokyo: Society for the Publication of Sacred Books of the World.
Guhyagarbha. Sri-Guhyagarbha-tattvaviniscaya.
To. 832. bKa’ ‘gyur, rnying rgyud, kha, fols. nobi-i32a7; Kaneko 1982, no. 187. Guhyatattvaprakasa.
Asc. Kanha. To. 1450. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, wa, fols. 349a3-55b7.
To. 493. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud Turn, kha, fols. ii9b5-5ibi.
Ascribed to Pandita Aksobhya. To. 1525. bsTan gyur, rgyud, za, fols. 82b6-83b2.
Edited by Matsunaga Yukei, 1978. Guhyasamaja Tantra. Osaka: Toho shuppan.
Asc. Padmavajra. Edited by Samdhong Rinpoche and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, 1987.
Guhyadi-Astasiddhi-Sangraha. Rare Buddhist Text Series, no. 1, pp. 5-62. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Edited and translated by Dhanavajra Vajracarya and Kamal P. Malla, 1985.
Gopalarajavamsavali. Nepal Research Centre Publications, no. 9. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag.
dGongs ‘dus. Sangs rgyas kun gyi dgongs pa dm pa’i mdo chen po. Kaneko 1982, no. 160.
sGra thal gyur chen po rgyud.
Kaneko 1982, no. 155.
Cakrasamvara-tantra. Tantraraja-srilaghusamvara.
Edited by Janardan Shastri Pandey, 2002. Sriherukdbhidhanam Cakrasamvaratantram. 2 vols. Sarnath: CIHTS. To. 368. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ka, fols. 2i3bi-46b7.
Asc. Kanha. To. 1451. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, wa, fols. 355b7-58b7.
To. 428. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, nga, fols. i8iai-23ib5.
Asc. Abhayadattasri. Pe. 5091. Edited and translated by James B. Robinson, 1979.
To. 477. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ja, fols. 247b4-303a7.
Edited and translated by Per Kvaerne, 1977. Anthology of Buddhist Tantric Songs: A Study of the Caryagiti. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi II Hist.- Filos. Klasse Skrifter Ny Serie, no. 14. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget. Edited by Nilratan Sen, 1977. Caryagitikosa facsimile ed. Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
Asc. Aryadeva. Edited by Janardan Shastri Pandey, 2000. Caryamelapakapradipam of Acarya Aryadeva. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Asc. *DakinI. To. 2443. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 6733-7137.
Asc. Birwa. To. 1555. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, za, fols. 2o6ai-8a4. See Nihom 1992.
mChod rten drung thob.
Asc. Nagarjuna but written by Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. Podser LL XI.400-6.
To. 422. bKa ‘gyur, nga, fols. 96b6-i36a4.
- i543> 1544.
To. 450. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, cha, fols. 1b1-35b7.
Asc. Indrabhuti. Edited with Guhyasiddhi, pp. 93 – 157. Edited by Benoytosh
Bhattacharya, 1929. Two Vajrayana Works. GOS no. 44. Baroda: Oriental Institute.
Edited by Samdhong Rinpoche and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, 1988.Jnanodaya Tantram. Rare Buddhist Text Series, no. 2. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Asc. Kayastha Gayadhara. To. 15×4. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zha, fols. 363b4-74b4.
To. 522. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, na, fols. 59a7-6ob4. T. 1397,1398.
rje btsun ma ‘phags pa sgrol ma’i sgrub thabs nyi shu rtsa gcig pa’i las kyi yan lag dang bcas pa mdo bsdus pa.
Asc. *Suryagupta [Nyi-ma sbas-pa]. To. 1686. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, sha, fols. ioa7-24b6.
rNying ma rgyud ‘bum.
mTshams-brag manuscript. 1981. The mTshams-Brag Manuscript of the rNying-ma rgyud ‘bum. 46 vols. Thimphu, Bhutan: National Library. gTing-slcyes manuscript. 1973/74. rNying ma rgyud ‘bum, The Collected Tantras of the Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism. 36 vols. Thimbu, Bhutan: Dil mgo mkhyen brtse. See Kaneko 1982.
Dakarnava. Dakarnava-mahayoginitantraraja.
To. 372. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud Turn, kha, fols. I37ai-264b7-
Anon. To. 2286. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud zhi, fols. i45ai-5oa2.
Asc. Vagisvarakirti. Edited by Janardan Pandey, 1997. Bauddhalaghugrantha Samgraha, pp. 81-142. Rare Buddhist Text Series, no. 14. Sarnath: CIHTS. To. 1889.
See Sarvatathagatatattvasamgraha.
Asc. Buddhaguhya. To. 2501. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ‘i, fols. ibi-9ib6.
Asc. Padmavajra. To. 2502. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ‘i, fols. 9ib6-35ia7-
Tarka-jvala. Madhyamakahrdayavrtti-tarkajvala.
Asc. Bhavya. To. 2856. bsTan ‘gyur, dbu-ma, dza, fols. 4ob7-329b4.
To. 4432. bsTan ‘gyur, sna-tshogs, no, fols. I4ib7-49a7-
Asc. Buddhajnanapada. To. 2086. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. i6ib5-62b5.
gTum mos lam yongs su rdzogs pa.
Asc. *Mahacarya-cirnavrata-Kanha but written by Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. Pod ser LL XI.445-57.
Edited by Kondo Ryuko, 1936. Dasabhumisvaro Nama Mahayanasutram. Rinsen Buddhist Text Series, no. 2. Reprint, Kyoto: Rinsen Book, 1983.
Edited by R L. Vaidya, 1959. BST, no. 20. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.
Asc. Birba-pa. To. 2280. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. I34ai-36a4.
Asc. Nemicandra Siddhanta-cakravarttl. Edited and translated by Sarat Chandra Ghoshal, 1917. Dravya-samgraha. The Sacred Books of the Jainas, vol. 1. Arrah: Central Jaina Publishing House.
rDo rje sems dpa’ nam mkha ‘ che bram ze rgyas pa’i rgyud.
Kaneko 1982, no. 19.
brDa ngespar gzung ba.
To. 1214. bsTan gyur, rgyud, ja, fols. 3i4bi-i6a4.
Asc. Bhavya. To. 4139. bsTan ‘gyur, ‘dul-ba, su, fols. I47a3-54b2.
Edited by K. de Vreese, 1936. Nilamata or Teachings of Nila – Sanskrit Text with Critical Notes. Leiden: Brill. See Ikari 1994.
Edited by Kamal P. Malla, 1985. “Nepalavarhsavali: A Complete Version of the Kaisher Vamsavall.”Contributions to Nepalese Studies 12(2): 75-110.
Nairatmyayogi nisadhana.
Asc. Dombiheruka. To. 1305. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ta, fols. 2i2b7-i5a7.
rNal ‘byor pa thams cad kyi de kho na nyid snang zhes bya ba grub pa rnams kyi rdo rje’i mgur.
Pseudo-Indie title: Yogasarvatattvaumutrialoka-vikalavajragiti. To. 2453. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 92bi-ii5b3.
Asc. Siddha Nagarjuna. Edited by Mimaki Katsumi and Tomabechi Torn, 1994. Pancakrama – Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts Critically Edited with Verse Index and Facsimile Edition of the Sanskrit Manuscripts. 2 parts. Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum 8. Tokyo: Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for UNESCO.
Edited by Shastri Dharmakirti and Swami Dwarikadas, 1968. Pramanavarttika ofAcarya Dharmakirtti. Bauddha Bharati Series, no. 3. Varanasi: Bauddha Bharati.
Dharmakirti. To. 4211. bsTan ‘gyur, tshad-ma, ce, fols. i52bi-23oa7- See Steinkellner 1973.
Dignaga. To. 4203. bsTan ‘gyur, tshad-ma, ce, fols. ibi-i3a7. See Hattori 1968.
Phyag rgya chenpoyi ge medpa.
Asc. Vaglsvarakirti but written by Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. Pod ser LL XI.4o6-ig
Phyag rgya i lam skor.
Asc. Indrabhuti. Pod ser LL XI.461-79.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2356. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fol. 6b4-7.
Buddhakapala-tantra. Sri-Buddhakapala-yogini-tantra-raja.
To. 424. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, nga, fols. I43ai-67a5; Peking 63. bKa gyur, rgyud Turn, da, fols. I26b4-53a6.
Buddhakapalatantrapanjika Tattvacandrika.
Asc. Padmavajra. To. 1653 bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ra, fols. i5oa3-66a7.
Edited by P. L. Vaidya, i960. Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva, with the Commentary Panjika of Prajnakaramati. Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, no. 12. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.
Asc. Manjusrimitra. To. 2591. Edited and translated by Norbu and Lipman, 1986.
Asc. Nagarjuna. To. 1800. Edited and translated by Lindtner, 1982.
Asc. Atisa Dlpamkarasrijnana. Edited by Helmut Eimer, 1978. See Davidson 1995-
Edited by Unrai Wogihara, 1930-36. Bodhisattvabhumi: A Statement of Whole Course of the Bodhisattva (Being Fifteenth Section ofYogacdrabhumi). Reprint, Tokyo: Sankibo Buddhist Book Store, 1971. To. 4037; T. 1579.
Asc. Dombipa. To. 1234. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, nya, fols. 67b7-7oa5.
To. 4133. bsTan ‘gyur, ‘dul-ba, su, fols. 66ai-7ob3.
Buddhaguhya. To. 4194. Dietz 1984, pp. 360-65.
Ganapati Sastri, 1920. Aryamanjusrimulakalpa. Reprint, Trivandrum: C B H Publications, 1992. To. 543.
See Davidson 1981.
Asc. Santaraksita. To. 3884. bsTan ‘gyur, dbu-ma, sa, fols. 53ai – 56b3.
Asc. Kamalasila. To. 3887. bsTan ‘gyur, dbu-ma, sa, fols. iT,^by-2/srya.y.
Edited by Louis de la Vallee Poussin, 1907 – 12. Madhyamakavatara par Candrakirti. Bibliotheca Buddhica, no. 9. St. Petersburg: L’Academie imperiale des sciences. See Huntington 1989.
Asc. Atisa Dlpamkara. To. 3929. To. bsTan ‘gyur, dbu-ma, ki, fols. 95bi-96a7.
Sthiramati. Edited by Ramachandra Pandeya, 1971. Madhyantavibhaga-sastra. Delhi: Motalal Banarsidass.
Edited and translated by Bruno Dagens, 1970 – 76. Mayamata – Traite Sanskrit d’architecture. Publications de l’lnstitut fran^ais d’indologie no. 40-I and II. Pondichery: Institut francais d’indologie.
—. 1985. Mayamata – An Indian Treatise on Housing Architecture and Iconography.
New Delhi: Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science 6c Research.
To. 440. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ca, fols. 45b6-86ay.
Edited by Samdhong Rinpoche and Vrajavallabh Dwivedi, 1992. Mahamayatantram with Gunavati by Ratndkarasanti. Rare Buddhist Text Series, no. 10. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Mahamudratilaka. Sri-Mahamudratilaka-mahayogini-tantrarajadhipati.
To. 420. bKa’ gyur, rgyud ‘bum, nga, fols. 66zi-goby.
Asc. Maitreya. T. 1604. To. 4020. Edited by Levi 1907.
Extended title: Mahavairocanabhisambodhi-vikurvitadhisthana-vaipulyasutrendraraja-nama-dharmaparyaya. To. 494. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, tha, fols. i5ib2-26oa7; T.848.i8.ia-55a.
Edited by Sasaki Ryozaburo, 1916-25. Mahavyutpatti: Bonzo Kanwa shigaku taiko Mahawyuttpattei. 2 vols. Kyoto.
- 1425.
Edited by Louis de la Vallee Poussin, 1903-13. Mulamadhyamakakarikas de Nagarjuna avec la Prasannapada commentaire de Candrakirti. Bibliotheca Buddhica, ho. 4. St. Petersburg: L’Academie imperiale des sciences.
Mulasarvastivada Vinaya.
To. 1-7. Edited by Nalinaksha Dutt, 1947-50. Gilgit Manuscripts. Vol. 3, parts 1-4. Srinagar: Research Department. Edited by Raniero Gnoli, 1977. The Gilgit Manuscript of the Sanghabhedavastu. SOR, vol. 49, 2 parts. Rome: ISMEO. Edited by Raniero Gnoli, 1978. The Gilgit Manuscript of the Sayandsanavastu and the Adhikaranavastu. SOR, vol. 50. Rome: ISMEO.
Edited by M. R. Kale, 1924. The Mrichchhakatika of Sudraka. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1988.
Asc. Vaglsvarakirti. To. 1748. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, sha, fols. n8b7-33b3.
rDzogs pa chen po lta ba’i yang snying \ sangs rgyas thams cad kyi dgongs pa \ nam mkha’ klong yangs kyi rgyud.
Kaneko 1982, no. 114.
Asc. *Vilasavajra. To. 2014. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. ibi-69a7.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2022. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. 85ai-88a4.
Ye shes kyi mkha ‘gro ma sum cu rtsa lnga’i rtogs pa brjod pa.
Anon. To. 2450. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 8sb6-88ai.
Partially edited by Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, 1957. TheYogacarabhumi of Acarya Asanga. Calcutta: University of Calcutta. See Bodhisattvabhumi and Sravakabhumi. To. 4035-4042. T. 1579.
Edited by Janardan Shastri Pandey, 1998. Yoginisancaratantram with Nibandha of Tathagataraksita and Upadesanusarinivyakhya of Alakakalasa. Rare Buddhist Texts Series, no. 21. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Yon po bsrang ba’i gdams ngag.
Asc. Acyuta-Kanha but written at Sa-skya. Pod ser LL XI.457-61.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2017. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. jeh^-yfoy.
Asc. Srlvirupa. To. 2018. bsTan gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. 78ai-8ob5.
Asc. Buddhajnanapada. To. 2084. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. i6oa6-i6ia5.
310. To. 45-93.
Edited by E. H. Johnston, 1950. Ratnagotravibhdga Mahayanottaratantrasastra. Patna: Bihar Research Society. See Takasaki 1966.
Asc. Prajnedraruci. To. 1251. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, nya, fols. 21433-41132.
Asc. Mahamati. To. 1345. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ta, fols. 359136-6637.
Edited and translated by Marc Aurel Stein, 1892. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini or the Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir. Bombay. M. A. Stein, 1900. Kalhana’s Rajatarahgini, a Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir. 2 vols. Westminster.
Rig pa rang shar chen po’i rgyud.
A-‘dzom chos-gar xylographic ed. rNying-ma’i rgyud bcu bdun. Vol. 1, pp. 389855. New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1977. rNying ma rgyud ‘bum, gTing-skyes manuscript, vol. 10, pp. 2-334; Kaneko 1982, no. 153; mTshams-brag manuscript, vol. 11, pp. 323-699.
Re ma ti srog sngags kyi rgyud kyis rgyalpo.
Samten 1992, Phug-brag no. 772.
Edited by Nanjio Bunyiu, 1923. Reprint, Bibliotheca Otaniensis, vol. 1. Kyoto: Otani University Press, 1956.
Lam ‘bras bu dang bcas pa’i gdams ngag dang man ngag tu bcaspa.
Asc. Vinipa. To. 2284. bsTan-‘gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. I39a6-42b7. See app. 2.
Edited by P. L. Vaidya, 1958. Lalita-Vistara. Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, no. 1. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.
To. 370. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, kha, fols. 1b1-125a7
Vajrapanjara. Arya-Dakinivajrapanjara-mahatantrarajakalpa.
To. 419. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, nga, fols. 3oa4-65b7.
To. 496. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, da, fols. ibi-i56b7.
*Amoghavajra. To. 1982. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, mi, fols. I59b5-66a7.
Asc. *Vilasavajra. Rang zom chos bzanggi gsung ‘bum, vol. 1, pp. 355 – 67.
Attributed to Nagarjuna. To. 2482. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 180a2-b3.
*Vajrayanamulapattitika, [rDo rje theg pa’i rtsa ba’i ltung ba’i rgya cher ‘grel pa\.
To. 2486. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. i85a7-92b6.
Manjusrikirti. To. 2488. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. I97b7-23ib7. Vajraviddrana-dharani.
To. 750. Edited by Iwamoto Yukata, 1937. Kleinere Dharani Texte. Vol. 2, pp. 7-9. Kyoto.
To. 480. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, nya, fols. 14 2bi-27435.
Asc Krsnacarya. Edited by Samdhong Rinpoche and Vrajavallabh Dwivedi, 1990. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Asc. Advayavajra. SKB IV.28.4.3-29.2.3.
Asc. Gunaprabha. To. 4117. Partially edited by P.V. Bapat and V.V. Gokhale, 1982. Vinaya-sutra and Auto-commentary on the Same. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.
Edited by Jagannatha Upadhyaya, 1986. Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, no. 11. Edited by Vrajavallabh Dwivedi and S. S. Bahulkar, 1994. Rare Buddhist Texts Series, nos. 12,13. 3 vols. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2283. bsTan gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 13834-3936.
*Virupagiti. Bir ru pa’i glu.
To. 2369. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi , fols. 9a5-9b1; Pe. 3197. rgyud-‘grel vol. tshi 11a5 -11b1.
Buddhaguhya. To. 2662. bsTan gyur, rgyud, nyu, fols. 1-653.
Edited by Karunesha Shukla, 1973. Sravakabhumi of Acarya Asanga. Tibetan Sanskrit Works Series, vol. 14. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.
To. 407. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 244b1-45b6.
Asc. Vitapada. To. 1874. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, pi, fols. 1b1-69b6.
To. 385. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 19631-9931.
To. 394. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 22231-2337.
To. 398. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud “bum, ga, fols. 22932-3032.
To. 404. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 239ai-39b7.
To. 400. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud Turn, ga, fols. 23^54-3335.
Asc. Padmavajra. To. 1419. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, dza, fols. ibi-3i8a7.
To. 406. bKa gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 242b7-44a7.
To. 387. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 202a2-3bi.
To. 390. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud Turn, ga, fols. 2^4-1633.
To. 396. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 224b4-2yb2.
Ascribed to *Dhatujyestha (dbyings kyi gtso mo). To. 2442. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 64b7-67a2.
To. 409. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols.24734-4831.
To. 402. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 23535-3735.
Ascribed to *Vajragupta. To. 1202. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ja, fols. 160a1-208b1.
To. 397. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 227b3-29a2.
Sri-Hevajrapanjika muktikavali.
Asc. Ratnakarasanti. To. 1189. Edited by Ram Shankar Tripathi and Thakur Sain Negi, 2001. Hevajratantram with Muktavalipanjika of Mahapanditacarya Ratnakarasanti. Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series, no. 68. Sarnath: CIHTS.
Asc. *Saroruhavajra. To. 1220. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, nya, fols. i9a7-2ob6.
Asc. Dombi-pa. To. 1232. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, nya, fols. 45a4-48a1.
Asc. Sakya srung-ba. To. 1277. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ta, fols. 10536-3036.
gShin rje gshed kyi yid bzhin gyi nor but phreng ba zhe bya ba’i sgrub thabs. Anon. To. 2083. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, 159a7-60a6.
Asc. *Durjayacandra. To. 1239. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, nya, fols. 126132-3033.
Asc. Tillipa. To. 2330. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 27037-7133. Also in gDams ngag mdzod, vol. 5, pp. 106-7.
Asc. Kanha. To. 1460. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zha, fols. 6a3-10b7.
To. 373. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, kha, fols. 26531-31136. Edited and translated by Shinichi Tsuda, 1974. The Samvarodaya-Tantra – Selected Chapters. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press.
Edited and translated by Malcolm David Eckel, 198j. Jnanagarbha’s Commentary on the Distinction Between the Two Truths. Albany: State University of New York Press.
To. 444. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ca, fols. I58ai-207b7.
Attributed to Vagisvarakirti. To. 1889. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud pi, fols. 203a3-4b4.
Edited by P.L. Vaidya, 1961. Buddhist Sanskrit Texts, no. 2. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.
Samputa-tantra. Samputodbhava.
To. 381. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 73bi-i58b7; Pe. 26. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 244a2-330a5. Partially edited by Tadeusz Skorupski, 1996.
To. 382. bKa’ ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. ^<^7-8437; Pe. 27. bKa gyur rgyud ‘bum, ga, fols. 33035-5736.
Sarahapadasya dohakosa.
C. Bagchi, 1935; M. Shahidullah, 1928; see Kanhapadasya dohakosa.
Edited by Yamada Isshi, 1980. Sarva-tathagata-Tattvasangraha: A Critical Edition Based on a Sanskrit Manuscript and Chinese and Tibetan Translations. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture. Reprinted with errors by Chandra Lokesh, ed., 1987. Sarva-Tathdgata-Tattva-Sangraha. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1987. To. 479; T. 882.
Edited and translated by Tadeusz Skorupski, 1983. The Sarvadurgatiparisodhana Tantra – Elimination of All Evil Destinies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
Sarvabuddhasamayoga, or Sarvabuddhasamayoga-dakinijala-sambara-nama-uttara-tantra. (longer recension)
To. 366. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ka, fols. 151b1-93a6.
Asc. Indrabhuti. To. 1672. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, la, fols. I95a7-99a4.
Sarvabuddhasamayoga-tantraraja. (shorter recension)
rNying ma rgyud ‘bum, mTshams-brag ms., vol. tsha, fols. 1b1-26a7- Kaneko 1982, no. 207.
Asc. Indrabhuti. To. 2210. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. ibi-4a3; Pe. 3107. bsTan ‘gyur rgyud-‘grel, tsi, fols. 1b1-4b7.
Asc. Dombiheruka. In Malati J. Shendge, ed. and trans., 1967. “Srisahajasiddhi,”IIJ10 (1967):126-49. Edited with the Guhyasiddhi, pp. 181 – 91.
Asc. Dombiheruka. Pod ser LL XI.387-95.
Asc. Lha-lcam rje-btsun-ma dpal-mo (? = *Devibhattarikasri). To. 2211. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 4a3-25a1; Pe. 3108. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud-‘grel, tsi, fols. 4b8-29a7.
Edited by Benoytosh Bhattacharya, 1925. GOS nos. 26, 41. 2 vols. Baroda: Oriental Institute.
Asc. Virupa. To. 2020. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. 8:^7-8436.
Asc. Durjayacandra. To. 1240. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, nya, fols. i3oa3-54a7.
To. 365. bKa ‘gyur, rgyud ‘bum, ka, fols. i46a7-5oa7-
Edited and translated David L. Snellgrove, 1959. The Hevajra Tantra: A Critical Study. 2 vols. London Oriental Series, vol. 6. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Includes the Yogaratnamala of Kanhapada.
Asc. Manjusrijnana. To. 1301. bsTan ‘gyur, rgyud, ta, fols. I99b6-205b2.
Datang xiyu ji.
Xuan-zang.T2087.51. See Beal 1869.
Datang xiyu qiufa gaoseng zhuan.
Yijing. T.2o66.5i.ia-i2b. See Lahiri 1986.
Kah thog si tu’i dbus gtsang gnas yig.
Si-tu-pa Chos kyi rgya-mtsho. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1999.
Kun rig gi cho ga gzhan phan ‘od zer.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.199.1.1-228.1.6.
Kye rdo rje’i ‘grel ba’i dkar chag.
Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po. SKB IX.284.4.1-85.1.2.
Kye rdo rje’i byung tshul.
Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po. rGyud kyi rgyal po dpal kye rdo rje’i byung tshul dang brgyud pa’i bla ma dam pa rnams kyi rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho. SKB IX.278.1.1-84.3.3.
Kye rdo rje’i rtsa rgyud brtaggnyis kyi dka’ ‘grel.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. SKB I.78.4.1-122.4.6.
Kye rdor lus dkyil gyi dbanggi by a ba mdor bsdus pa.
Attributed to bLa-ma Sa-chen-pa. Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’igsung maphyi gsar myed, vol. 1, pp. 7-20.
kLog skya ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. gZhung rdo rje’i tshig rkang gi ‘grel pa mal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa skya pa chen po la klog skya dbang phyug grags kyis zhus pa. LL XXVII.191-395. MS. facsimile published in gZun bsad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Sa-skya-pa Texts, pp. 1-345. See app. 3.
kLong chen chos ‘byung.
Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe snying dpe skrung khang, 1991.
dKar brgyud gser ‘phreng.
rGyal-thang-pa bDe-chen rdo-rje. Dkar-brgyud Gser-‘phren: A Thirteenth- Century Collection of Verse Hagiographies of the Succession of Eminent Masters of the ‘Brug-pa Dkar-brgyud-pa Tradition. Tashijong: Tibetan Craft Community, 1973.
dKar chag ldan dkar ma. Pho brang stod thang ldan dkar gyi chos ‘gyur ro cog gi dka chag.
To. 4364. See Lalou 1953.
bKa‘ ‘chems ka khol ma.
Edited by sMon-lam rgya-mtsho. Lanzhou: Kan su’i mi rigs dep skrun khang, 1989.
bKa thang sde lnga.
U-rgyan gling-pa. Edited by rDo-rje rgyal-po, 1986. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
bKa gdams chos ‘byung.
A-mes Zhabs. dGe ba’i bshes gnyen bka’ gdams pa rnams kyi dam pa’i chos byung ba’i tshul legs par bshad pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1995.
bKa ‘gdams rinpo che’i chos ‘byung.
bSod-nam lha’i dbang-po. In Gonpo Tseten, ed., Two Histories of the Bka’-gdams-pa Tradition from the Library of Burmiok Athing, pp. 207-393. Gangtok: Palace Monastery, 1977.
bKa ‘gdams gsar rnyinggi chos ‘byung.
Pan-chen bSod-nams grags-pa. Edited with bKa gdams rin po che’i chos ‘byung, in Tseten, ed., Two Histories, pp. 1-205.
bsKyed rim gnad kyi zla zer.
Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po. SKB IX.173.4-277.
bsKyed rim gnad kyi zla zer la rtsodpa spong ba gnad kyi gsal byed.
Go-rams bSod-nams seng-ge. Go rams bka ‘bum, vol. 12, pp. 557 – 693.
Kha rag gnyos kyi rgyudpa byon tshul mdor bsdus.
Edited by Khedup Gyatso, 1978. The History of the Gnos Lineage of Kha-Rag, pp. 1-96. Dolanji: Tibetan Bonpo Monastic Centre.
Khams bde dri ba’i nyams dbyangs.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.347.1.1-3.6.
mKhas grub khyungpo rnal ‘byor gyi rnam thar.
Edited by bSod nams tshe brtan, 1996. Shangspa bka’ brgyud pa bla rabs kyi rnam thar, pp 3-62. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang.
mKhas pa ldeu chos ‘byung.
Edited by Chab-spel tshe-brtan phun-tshogs and Nor-brang o-rgyan, 1987. mKhas pa lde’us mdzad pa’i rgya bod kyi chos ‘byung rgyaspa. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
mKhas pa’i dga’ ston.
dPa’ bo gtsug lang phreng ba. Dam pa’i chos kyi ‘khor lo bsgyur ba rnams kyi byung b a gsal bar byed pa mkhas pa’i dga’ ston. 2 vols. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1986.
‘Khor ‘das dbyer med tshig byas rin chen snang ba.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. Pod ser, pp. 191-94.
Ga ring rgyalpo la rtsis bsdur du btang ba’I yi ge.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.104.1.6-4.6.
Gang zagg zhung ji lta ba bzhin du dkri ba’i gzhung shing.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. Pod ser, pp. 300-14.
Gu bkra’i chos ‘byung.
Gu-ru bKra-shis. Edited by rDo-ije rGyal-po, 1990. bsTan pa’i snying po gsang chen snga ‘gyur nges don zab moi chos kyi byung ba gsal bar byed pa’i legs bshad mkhas pa dga bnyed ngo mtshar gtam gyi rol mtsho. Beijing: Krung go’i bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang.
Go rams bka’ ‘bum.
The Collected Works of Kun-Mkhyen Go-Rams-pa Bsod-Nams-Seng-Ge. 13 vols. Rajpur: Sakya College, 1979.
Gong tu ma bstan pa’i rdo rje slob dpon gyi dbanggi tho.
Anonymous but probably by Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung maphyi gsar rnyed, vol. 1, pp. 21-25.
Grub chen bcu.
Asc. Sa-skya Pandita. SKB V.349.3.6-53.2.1.
gLegs bam gyi dkar chags.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. gSung ngag rinpo che lam ‘bras bu dang bcas pa’i don gsal bar byedpa glegs bam gyi dkar chags. LL XI. 1-8.
dGag lan nges don ‘brug sgra.
Sog-zlog-pa bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan. gSang sngags snga ‘gyur la bod du rtsod pa snga phyir byung ba rnams kyi lan du brjod pa nges pa don gyi ‘brug sgra. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1997.
dGa’ston la spring yig.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.272.3.6-74.3.2.
rGya sgom tshul khrims grags la spring ba.
bSod-nam rtse-mo. SKB II.39.2.4-4.4.
rGya bod kyi sde pa’i gyes mdo.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.296.4.2-98.3.3.
rGya bod yig tshang chen mo.
sTag-sthang rdzong-pa. Cheng-du: Sichuan min zu chu ban she, 1985.
rGyalpo bka’i thangyig.
In bKa’ thang sde lnga, pp. 85-227.
rGyalpo gope la sras dang btsun mor bcas la shing moyos sogs la gnang ba’i bkra shis kyi tshigs bead rnams.
Asc. ‘Phags-pa bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan.
SKB VII.300.2.5-10.2.5.
rGyal po la gdams pa’i rab tu byed pa’i rnam par bshad pa gsung rab gsal ba’i rgyan.
By Shes-rab bzhon-nu under the direction of Phags-pa bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan. SKB VII.90.4.1-108.4.6.
rGyal bu byang chub sems dpa la gnang ba’i bka yig.
Asc. ‘Phags-pa bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan. SKB VII.238.2.3-4.4.
rGyal rabs gsal ba’i me long.
bLa-ma dam-pa bSod-nams rgyal-mtshan. In B.I. Kuznetsov, ed., 1966. Rgyal Rabs Gsal Ba’i Me Long (The Clear Mirror of Royal Genealogies). Scripta Tibetana, no. 1. Leiden: Brill. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1981. See Sorensen 1994.
rGyud kyi rgyalpo chen po sam pu ta zhe bya ba dpal ldan sa skya pandi ta’i mchan dang bcas pa.
Sa-skya Pandita Kun-dga’ rgyal-mtshan. Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung maphyigsar rnyed, vol. 2, pp. 69-669.
rGyud kyi mngon par rtogs pa rinpo che’i ljon shing.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.1-70.1.
rGyud rgyal gsang ba snying po’i ‘grelpa rang zom chos bzanggis mdzadpa.
Asc. Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. rNying ma bka’ ma rgyaspa, vol. 25.
rGyud sde kun btus.
Compiled by ‘Jam-dbyangs bLo-gter dbang-po. Delhi: N. Lungtok & N. Gyaltshan, 1971.
rGyud sde spyi’i rnam par gzhag pa.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.1-37.
rGyud sde spyi’i rnam gzhag chung ngu.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. SKB
rGyud sde spyi’i rnam gzhag dang rgyud kyi mngon par rtogs pa’i stong thun sa bead.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.70.2.1 – 81.2.6.
rGyud bzhi’i bka bsgrub nges don snyingpo.
In Sog bzlogpa gsung ‘bum, vol. 2, pp. 213 – 41.
rGyud lugs rnam ‘grel. rTsa ba rdo rje’i tshig rkang rgyud lugs kyi rnam par ‘grel pa bshadpa.
Asc. Bo-dong Phyogs-las rnam-rgyal. In Bo dong gsung ‘bum, vols. 104.2.1-105.414.4.
sGa theng ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. gZhung rdo rje’i tshig rkanggi ‘grelpa rnal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa skya pa chen po la khams pa sga theng gis zhus pa. LL XXVIII.149-491.
sGam po pa gsung ‘bum.
The Collected Works (Gsuti ‘Bum) of Sgam-Po-Pa Bsod-Nams-Rin-Chen. 2 parts. Shashin Learned Works Library and Publishing House Series, vol. 5. Manali: Khasdub Gyatsho Shashin, 1975.
sGampo pa gsung ‘bum yid bzhin nor bu.
Edited by Khen po shedup Tenzin and Lama Thinley Namgyal, 2000. 4 vols. Kathmandu: Shri Gautam Buddha Vihara.
sGra sbyor bam po gnyis pa.
To. 4347. bsTan ‘gyur sna-tshogs, co, fols. 131b1-60a7.
sGrub thabs rgya rtsa.
Compiled by Amoghavajra and Ba-ri lo-tsa-ba. To. 3306-399.
sGrub thabs so so’i yig sna.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.148.1.1-70.1.6.
brGyudpa dang bcas pa la gsol ba ‘debs pa.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.38.3.4-39.2.4.
Nges brjod bla ma’i ‘khrul ‘khor bri thabs.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.43.1.1-45.4.5.
Ngor chos ‘byung.
dKon-mchog lhun-grub, completed by Sangs-rgyas phun-tshogs. New Delhi: Ngawang Topgay, 1973.
sNgags log sun ‘byin gyi skor.
Thimphu: Kunsang Topgyel and Mani Dorji, 1979.
sNgon gyi gtam me tog phreng ba.
Ascribed Ne’u (Nel-pa) Pandita. Edited and translated in Uebach, 1987. Chab-spel tshe-brtan phun-tshog and lDan-lhun sangs-rgyas chos-‘phel, eds., 1990. Bod kyi lo rgyus deb ther khag lnga, pp. 1-54. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang.
bsNgags par ‘os pa’i rab tu byedpa.
‘Phags-pa bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan. SKB VII.285.2.2-286.1.1.
Chag lo tsa ba’i rnam thar.
By ‘Ju-ba Chos-dar. Edited and translated by G. N. Roerich, 1959. Biography o fDharmasvamin (Chag lo-tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal). Historical Researches Series, vol. 2. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.
Chos spyod rin chen phreng ba.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.312.2.1-20.2.6.
Chos ‘byung grub mtha’ chenpo.
Rog Bande Shes-rab-‘od. Grub mtha’so soi bzed tshul gZun gsal bar ston pa chos ‘byun grub mtha’ chen po bstan pa’i sgron me. Leh: Tshul Khrims-Jam dbyang, 1971.
Chos ‘byung bstan pa’i sgron me.
Ratna gling-pa. The Nyingmapa Apology of Rin-Chen-Dpal-Bzang-Po. Tashijong: Sungrab Nyamso Gyunphel Parkhang, 1972.
Chos ‘byung dpag bsam ljon bzang.
Sum-pa mkhan-po ye-shes dpal-‘byor. Lanzhou: Kan su’i mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1992.
Chos ‘byung me tog snyingpo sbrang rtsi’i bcud.
Asc. Nyang Nyi-ma ‘od-zer. Gangs can rig mdzod, vol. 5. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 1988.
Chos la ‘jug pa’i sgo.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.318.3.1-45.3.6.
rje dus gsum mkhyen pa’i rnam thar.
rGwa-lo rNam-rgyal rdo-rje. In Dus gsum mkhyen pa’i bka’ ‘bum, vol. 1, pp. 47-139.
rje btsun pa’i mnal lam.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.98.2.6-100.1.6; LL I.57-64.
rje btsun sa sky a pa gong ma gsum gyi rnam par thar pa dpag bsam ljon pa.
Anonymous. Included in Sa skyapa lam ‘bras bla brgyud kyi rnam thar, pp. 57-107. Dehra Dun: Sakya Centre, 1985.
rje sa chen la bstod pa.
bSod-nam rtse-mo. SKB II.37.4.1-38.3.4.
Nyang ral rnam thar. sPrul sku mnga bdag chen po’i skyes rab rnam thar dri ma med pa’i bka’ rgya can.
In Bka brgyad bde gs’egs ‘dus pa’i chos skor. 13 vols. Ngagyur Nyingmay Sungrab Series, no. 75, vol. 1, pp. 1-163. Gangtok: Sonam Topgay Kazi, 1978.
Nye brgyud gcod kyi khrid yig gsal bar bkod pa legs bshad bdud rtsi’i rol mtsho.
Pad-ma lung-rtogs rgya-mtsho. Thimphu: Kunsang Topgay, 1978.
gNyags ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po.
gZhung bshad gnyags ma.
LL XI.21-128.
mNyam med sgam po pa’i rnam thar.
sGam-po sPyan-snga bSod-nams lhun-grub zla-‘od rgyal-mtshan. Xining: mTsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1993.
rNying ma bka’ ma rgyaspa.
Various authors. Edited by bDud- joms ‘Jigs-bras ye-shes rdo-rje, 1982. 55 vols. Kalimpong: Dubjung Lama.
sNying thigya bzhi.
Asc. kLong-chen-pa Dri-med ‘od-zer. 11 vols. New Delhi: Trulku Tsewang, Jamyang, and L. Tashi, 1970.
sNying thig lo rgyus chen mo.
In sNying thigya bzhi, vol. 9, pp. 1-179. In rNying ma bka’ ma rgyaspa, vol. 45, pp. 503-657.
Tun hong nas thon pa’i bod kyi lo rgyus yig cha.
Edited by dBang-rgyal and bSod-nams, 1992. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
gTam gyi tshogs theg pa’i rgya mtsho.
‘Jigs-med gling-pa. Edited by bSod-nams tshe-brtan, 1991. Jigs med gling pa’i gtam tshogs. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang.
gTer ston brgya rtsa’i rnam thar.
Kong-sprul blo-gros mtha’-yas. In Rin chen gter mdzod chen mo, vol. ka, pp. 291-759.
gTer ‘byung chen mo.
Gu-ru Chos-kyi dbang-phyug. The Autobiography and Instructions of Gu-ru Chos-kyi dban-phyug, vol. 2, pp. 75-193. Paro: Ugyen Tempa’i Gyaltsen, 1979.
gTer ‘byung chen mo gsal ba’i sgron me.
Ratna gling-pa. In Tseten Dorji, ed., 1973. Selected Works of Ratna-Glin-pa, vol. 1, pp. 1-215. Tezu, Arunachal Pradesh: Tibetan Nyingmapa Monastery.
sTag lung chos ‘byung.
sTag-lung zhabs-drung Ngag-dbang rnam-rgyal, supplemented by sTag-lung Khris-‘dzin Ngag-dbang bstan-pa’i nyi-ma. Gang can rig mdzod Series, vol. 22. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1992.
brTag gnyis rnam ‘grel dag ldan.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.96.3.1-162.3.6.
bsTan bcos lung gi nyi ‘od.
In sGam popa gsung ‘bum yid bzhin nor bu, vol. 4, pp. 91-184.
bsTan rtsis gsal ba’i nyin byed.
Mang-thos klu-sgrub rgya-mtsho. Lhasa: Bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1987.
bsTod pa rnam dag gi phreng ba.
Asc. ‘Phags-pa bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan. SKB VI.142.4.1-43.3.3.
Theg chen tshul ‘jug.
Rong-zom Chos kyi bzang-po. Commentaries on the Guhyagarbha and Other Rare Nyingmapa Texts from the Library of Dudjom Rimpoche, pp. 223-431.
New Delhi: Sanje Dorje, 1974.
Theg chen rgyud bla’i don bsdus pa.
Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Achives, 1993.
Theg pa chen po’i mal ‘by or jug pa’i thabs.
A-ro Ye-shes ‘byung-gnas.
sNga gyur bka ma’i chos sde, vol. 59, pp. 5-47.
Chengdu: Kah thog mKhan po ‘Jam-dbyangs, 1999. Copy provided courtesy of David Germano.
Thos yig rgya mtsho.
Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po. SKB IX.44.4.1-108.2.6.
Dang po’i las can gyi bya ba’i rim pa dang lam rim bgrod tshul.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.143.2.1-47.2.1.
Dam chos snying po zhi byed las rgyud kyi snyan rgyud zab ched ma.
Edited by Barbara Nimri Aziz, 1979. The Tradition of Pha Dam-pa Saris-rgyas: A Treasured Collection of His Teachings Transmitted by Thugs-sras Kun-dga’. 5 vols. Thimphu: Druk Sherik Parkhang.
Dam chos dgongs pa gcig pa’i yig cha.
dbOn-po Shes-rab ‘byung-gnas. Thimphu: Kunsang Topgey, 1976.
Dus gsum mkhyen pa’i bka ‘bum.
Selected Writings of the First Zwa-Nag Karma-pa Dus-Gsum-Mkhyen-pa. 2 vols. Gangtok: Dzongsar Chhentse Labrang, 1980.
Deb ther sngon po.
‘Gos lo-tsa-ba gZhon-nu dpal. 2 vols. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1984. See Roerich 1949.
Deb ther dmar po.
Tshal-pa Kun-dga’ rdo-rje. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1981.
Deb ther dmar po gsar ma.
Edited and translated by Giuseppe Tucci, 1971. Deb T’er Dmar Po Gsar Ma: Tibetan Chronicles. SOR 24. Rome: ISMEO.
gDams ngag byung tshul gyi zin bris gsang chen bstan pa rgyas byed.
‘Jam-dbyangs mKhyen-brtse’i dbang-phyug. LL XIV.2-154.
gDams ngag mdzod.
Kong-sprul bLo-gros mtha’-yas. 14 vols. Paro: Lama Ngodrup and Sherab Drimay, 1979.
gDung rabs chen mo.
‘Jam-mgon A-mes-zhabs. Dzam gling byang phyogs kyi thub pa’i rgyal tshab chen po dpal ldan sa skya pa’i gdung rabs rin po che ji ltar byon pa’i tshul gyi rnam par tharpa ngo mtshar rin po che’i bang mdzod dgos ‘dod kun ‘byung. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1986.
bDag med mai dbang gi tho yig.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.404.1.4-3.6.
bDag med lha mo bco lnga’i mngon rtogs.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.222.1.1-26.3.6.
bDag med lha mo bco lnga’i bstodpa dri ma med pa’i rgyan and bDag med bstod pa’i bsdus don.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.291.3.2-93.1.6.
bDud rtsi ‘khyil pa sgrub thabs las sbyor dang bcas pa.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.65.4.5-67.2.6.
bDe mchog kun tu spyod pa’i rgyud kyi gsal byed.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.48.4.6-55.2.6.
bDe mchog nag po pa’i dkyil chog lag tu blang ba’i rim pa.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.326.4.1-44.4.6.
bDe mchog lu hi pa’i lugs kyi bla ma brgyud pa’i lo rgyus.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.293.2-98.4.
rDo rje phur pa’i chos byung ngor mtshar rgya mtsho’i rba rlabs.
In Sog bzlog pa gsung ‘bum, vol. 1, pp. ni-201.
rDo rje ‘byung ba’i yig sna.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.i 12.2.1-47.4.6.
lDan bu ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga snying-po. gZhung rdo rje’i tshig rkang gi ‘grel pa rnal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa skyapa chen po la jo gdan ldan bu mas zbuspa. LL XXIX.297 – 496.
lDe’u chos ‘byung.
Asc. lDe’u jo-sras. Chos byung chen mo bstan pa’i rgyal mtshan lde’u jo sras kyi mdzad pa. Lhasa: Mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 1987.
sDom gsum rab dbye.
Sa-skya Pandita. SKB V.297.1.1-320.4.5.
Nag po dkyil choggi bshad sbyar.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.304.3.2-26.3.6.
gNas bstod kyi nyams dbyangs.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.347.3.6-48.2.6.
gNas yig phyogs bsgrigs.
Edited by dGe-‘dun chos-‘phel et al., 1998. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
gNa’ mbs bod kyi changpa’i lam srol.
Bar-shi Phun-tshogs Dbang-rgyal. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works Sc Archives, 1979.
rNam thar rgyaspa.
Edited by Helmut Eimer, 1979.
rNam thar yongs grags.
mChims Nam-mkha’-grags. In Pha chos, pp. 44-228.
rNam thar lam yig.
Asc. ‘Brom-ston rGyal-ba’i Tyung-gnas. In Pha chos, pp. 229-90.
rNal ‘byor byang chub seng ge’i dris lan.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.276.4.1-78.2.7.
Padma bka thang.
Orgyan gling-pa. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1987.
Pusti dmar chung. Lam ‘bras gzhung bshad pod dmar ma.
First compiled by Kun-dga’ dbang-phyug with later additions. LL XIII.
Pod nag. Lam ‘bras bzhung bshad pod nag.
bLa-ma dam-pa bSod-nams rgyal-mtshan. LL XVI.
Pod ser.
First compiled by Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan, with many additions. LL XI.
dPal kye rdo rje rtsa ba’i rgyud brtag pa gnyis pa’i bsdus don.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.168.3.1-76.1.6.
dPal kye rdo rje’i sgrub thabs mtsho skyes kyi ti ka.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II. 116.3.1-31.2.1.
dPal kye rdo rje’i rnam par bshad pa nyi ma’i ‘od zer.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.41.3.1-109.3.6.
dPal kye rdo rje’i rtsa ba’i rgyud brtag pa gnyis pa’i dka’ ‘grel man ngag don gsal.
Asc. sGyi-chu-ba. SKB 1.66.1-78.3.
dPal ldan Bi ru pa la bstodpa.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po with additions. SKB I.1.1.1-2.2.4.
dPal ldan sa skya pandi ta chen po’i rnam par thar pa.
Gung-thang gi btsun-pa Zhang rgyal-ba-dpal. SKB V.433.2.1-38.4.6.
dPal Na ro pa’i rnam par thar pa.
dBang-phyug rgyal-mtshan. The Biographies of Tilopa ananaropa by Dban- phyug-rgyal-mtshan. Darjeeling: Kargyud Sungrab Nyamso Khang, 1976.
dPal sa sky a pa’i man ngag gees btus pa rinpo che’i phreng ba.
Asc. Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. SKB
dPalgsang ba dus pa’i dam pa’i chos byung ba’i tshul legs par bshad pa gsang ‘dus chos kun gsal pa’i nyin byed.
A-mes-zhabs Ngag-dbang kun-dga’ bsod-nams. Rajpur: Sakya Centre, 1985.
dPe chos rin chen spungs pa.
Asc. Po-to-ba Rin-chen-gsal. Dharma upama ratna sangrah. Sarnath: Mongolian Lama Guru Deva, 1965. Includes the commentary dPe chos rinpo che spungs pa’i bum ‘grel by bTsun-pa Shes-rab rdo-rje.
sPyod pa’i rgyud spyi’i rnam par gzhags pa legs par bshad pa’i sgron me.
Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po. SKB X.248.3.1-65.4.2.
Pha chos.
Asc. ‘Brom-ston rGyal-ba’i ‘byung-gnas. Jo bo rje dpal ldan a ti sha’i thar bka’ gdam pha chos. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1993.
Pha dam pa’i rnam thar.
Chos kyi seng ge. In Pha dam pa dang ma cig lab sgron kyi rnam thar, pp. 3-242. Xining: Mtsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1992.
Phag mo gru pa’i bka ‘bum.
Photocopy in possession of University of Hamburg. 5 vols. Provided courtesy of Jan-Ubich Sobisch.
Phag mo gru pa’i gsung ‘bum.
Edited by Gompo Tseten, 1976. The Collected works (Gsun ‘Bum) of Phag- Mo-Gru-Pa Rdo-Rje-Rgyal-Po. Gangtok: Palace Monastery.
Phag mo gru pa’i rnam thar rinpo che’i phreng ba.
dPal-chen Chos-kyi ye-shes. In Phag mo gru pa’i gsung ‘bum, pp. 5-62.
Phag mo las bcu i gsal byed.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.23.2.5-28.2.5.
Phyag rgya chen po gees pa btus pa’i man ngag.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV 302,3.1-11.4.5.
Phra mo brgyad kyi man ngag.
Asc. Sa-skya Pandita. SKB V.353.2.1-54.3.1.
Phags pa don yod zhags pa’i lo rgyus.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.436.2.1-38.2.3.
Phags pa rdo rje gur gyi rgyan.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan, written 1210. SKB III.175.1.1-211.1.6.
Bande ma.
Asc. Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. gZhung rdo rje’i tshig rkang gi ‘grel pa mal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa skya pa chen po la bande gshing rje mas zhus pa. LL XXVIII.1-148.
Ba ri be’u bum.
Be’u bum of Ba ri Lo tsa ba Rin chen grags. Delhi: Lama Jurme Drakpa, 1974.
Bu chos.
sBrom ston rgyal ba’i ‘byung gnas kyi skyes rabs bka gdams bu chos. Xining: mTsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1993.
Bu ston bka’ ‘bum.
Edited by Chandra Lokesh, 1971. The Collected Works of Bu-ston. Sata-Pitaka Series, no. 68. 28 vols. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture.
Bu ston chos ‘byung.
Edited by rDo-rje rgyal-po, 1988. Chos ‘byung gsung rab rin po che’i mdzod. Beijing: Krung go bod kyi shes rig dpe skrun khang. Partially edited by Szerb 1990.
Baidurya sngon po.
Sangs-rgyas rgya-mtsho. Aryaveda in Tibet: A Survey of the History and Literature of Lamaist Medicine. Leh: Tashi Yangphel Tashigang, 1970.
Bo dong gsung ‘bum.
Encyclopedia Tibetica: The Collected Works of Bo-Don Pan-Chen Phyogs-Las-Rnam- Rgyal. New Delhi: Tibet House, 1973.
Bod kyi rgyal rabs.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.295.1.6-96.4.2.
Bod kyi gnas yig bdams bsgrigs. Edited by Tshe ring dpal ‘byor, 1995. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang.
Bod kyi gdung rus zhib jug.
lDong-ka-tsang dGe-bshes chos-grags et al. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2001.
Bod rje lha btsan po’i gdung rabs tshig nyung don gsal.
Kah-thog mkhan-po Tshe-dbang nor-bu. In Bod kyi lo rgyus deb ther khag lnga, pp. 55-86. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1990.
Bod sil bu’i byung ba brjod pa shel dkar phreng ba.
Nor-brang O-rgyan. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 1991.
Bhir ba pa’i lo rgyus.
In gZun bsad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Texts, pp. 347-404.
Bya rgyud spyi’i rnam par bshad pa legs par bshad pa’i rgya mtsho.
Ngor-chen Kun-dag’ bzang-po. SKB X.265.4.2-319.1.6.
Bya spyod rigs gsum spyi’i rig gtad kyi cho ga.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan.
SKB IV.252.4.1-55.1.5.
Byang chub sems dpa’i spyod pa la ‘jug pa’i ‘grel pa.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.457.4.1-515.2.6.
By in rlabs tshar gsum khug pa.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan.
SKB III.94.2.3-95.3.4.
bLa ma rgya gar ba’i lo rgyus.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan.
SKB III. 170.1.1-73.1.6; LL 1.2-14; LL XI.581-94.
bLa ma brgyudpa bod kyi lo rgyus.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.173.1.7 – 74.1.7; LL 1.14-18; LL XI.594-99.
bLa ma brgyud pa’i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar snang ba.
Asc. bLa-ma Dam-pa bSod-nams rgyal-mtshan. LL XVI.2-121.
bLa ma mnga’ rispas mdzad pa’i brtag gnyis kyi tshig ‘grel.
Asc. mNga’-ris-pa gSal-ba’i snying-po. SKB 1.13.4-65.4.
bLa ma rje btsun chen po’i rnam thar.
Sa-skya Pand’ta Kun-dga’ rgyal-mtshan. SKB V.143.1.1-48.3.4.
bLa ma dam pa chos kyi rgyalpo rinpo che’i rnam par thar pa rinpo che’i phreng ba.
Asc. Ye-shes rgyal-mtshan. LL 1.290-338.
bLa ma rnam thar bstod pa khyod nyi ma.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.82.4.5-83.3.6.
bLa ma ba ri lo tsa ba rin chen grags kyi rnam thar.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung ma phyi gsar rnyed\ vol. 1, pp. 255-66.
bLa ma sa sky a pa chen poi rnam thar.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.83.3.6-87.3.5.
dBa’ bzhed.
Edited and translated by Pasang Wangdu and Hildegard Diemberger, 2000. dBa bzhed: The Royal Narrative Concerning the Bringing of the Buddha’s Doctrine to Tibet. Vienna: Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
‘Bri gung chos rje ‘Jig rten mgon po bka’ ‘bum.
The Collected Writings (Gsun- Bum) of’Bri-Gung Chos-Rje ‘Jig-rten-Mgon-po Rin-Chen-Dpal. 5 vols. New Delhi: Khangsar Talku, 1969.
‘Bri gung gdan rabs gser phreng.
‘Bri-gung bsTan-‘dzin pad-ma’i rgyal-mtshan. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1989.
‘Brugpa’i chos ‘byung.
‘Brug-pa Padma dKar-po. Gangs-cen rig-mdzod Series, no. 19. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1992.
sBa bzhed.
Edited by mGon-po rgyal-mtshan, 1980. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
sBa bzhed zhabs btags ma.
Edited by Rolf A. Stein, 1961. Une chronique ancienne de bSam-yas: sBa-bted. Publications de l’lnstitut des hautes etudes chinoises, textes et documents, no. 1. Paris: Institut de hautes etudes chinoises.
Mani bka’ ‘bum.
Man. Bka’ ‘Bum: A Collection of Rediscovered Teachings Focusing upon the Tutelary Deity Avalokitesvara (Mahakarunika). 2 vols. New Delhi: Trayang and Jamyang Samten, 1975.
Man ngag gces pa btus pa.
Asc. Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. dPal sa skya pa’i man ngag gces pa btus pa rin po che’i phreng ba. SKB
Man ngag lta phreng.
Rong zom gsung thor bu, pp. 1-18. See Karmay 1988, pp. 163-71.
Man ngag lta bat phreng ba zhes by a ba’i ‘grel pa.
Rong zom gsung thor bu, pp. 19-124.
Mar pa lo tsa’i rnam thar.
Asc. Khrag-‘thung rgyal-po (gTsang-smyong he-ru-ka). Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1983. See Nalanda Translation Committee 1982.
Mi la rnam thar.
Edited by J.W. de Jong, 1959. Mi la ras pa’i rnam thar: Texte tibetain de la vie de Milarepa. Indo-Iranian Mongraphs, no. 4. The Hague: Mouton.
Myang chos ‘byung. Apocryphally asc. Jo-nang Taranatha. Edited by Lhag-pa tshe-ring, 1983. Myangyul stod smad bar gsum gyi ngo mtshar gtam legs bshad mkhas pa’i ‘jug ngogs. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang. See Martin 1997, no. 190.
sMon lam dbang bzhi z bshad par sbyar ba.
Anonymous but possibly by Sa-chen Kun-dga snying-po. Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung maphyi gsar rnyed, vol. 1, pp. 81 – 84.
sMra sgo mtshon cha. sMra ba’i sgo mtshon cha lta bu.
To. 4295. bsTan ‘gyur, sgra-mdo, she, fols. 277b1-281b7.
sMra sgo’i mtshon cha’i mchan rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan gyis mdzad pa.
Asc. Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung ma phyi gsar rnyed, vol. 1, pp. 767-94.
rTsa ba’i ltung ba bcu bzhi pa’i ‘grelpa gsal byed ‘khrul spong.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.235.1.1-65.3.6.
rTsa dbu ma’i khridyig.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.36.2.5-42.4.2.
Tshar chen rnam thar.
Ngag-dbang blo-bzang rgya-mtsho (Dalai Lama V). Rigs dang dkyil ‘khor kun
gyi khyab bdag rdo rje ‘chang bio gsal rgya mtsho grags pa rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po’i rnam par tharpa dob bshad bstan pa’i nyi ‘od. LL II.399-637.
Tshig mdzod chen mo. Bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo.
Edited by Krang dbyis sun et al., 1985. 3 vols. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.
mDzod nag ma.
Karma-pa III Rang-byung rdo-rje. The Life and Songs of Mi-La-Ras-Pa. 2 vols. Dalhousie: Damchoe Sangpo, 1978.
Zhang ston la bstodpa.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. SKB I.2.2.4-2.3.4.
Zhi byed snga phyi bar gsum gyi khrid yig rnams phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa bdud rtsi’i nying khu.
Lo-chen Dharma-Shri. gDams ngag mdzod, vol. 9, pp. 308-404.
Zhi byed dang gcod yul gyi chos ‘byung rin po che’i phreng ba.
Khams-smyon Dharma seng-ge. In Good Kyi Chos Skor, pp. 411-597. New Delhi: Tibet House, 1974.
Zhib mo rdo rje.
dMar-ston Chos-kyi rgyal-po. bLa ma bod kyi brgyud pa’i rnam thar zhib mo rdo rje. See Stearns 2001.
Zhu byas ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. gZhung rdo rje’i tshig rkang gi ‘grelpa mal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa sky a pa chen po la zhu byas dngos grub kyis zhuspa. LL XXVII.1-189.
Zhu lan nor bu’i phreng ba.
‘Brom-ston gZhon-nu blo-gros. In Pha chos, pp. 299-504.
gZun bsad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Sa-skya-pa Texts.
Edited by Tashi Dorje, 1975. Dolanji: Tibetan Bompo Monastic Centre.
gZhan phan nyer mkho.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.228.2.1-37.2.6.
Zangs gling ma.
Nyang-ral Nyi-ma ‘Od-zer. sLob dpon padma’i rnam thar zangs gling ma. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1989.
Zab don gnad kyi sgron me.
Go-rams bSod-nams seng-ge. Go ram bka ‘bum, vol. 12, pp. 1-29.
Zla rgyal ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. gZhung rdo rje’i tshig rkanggi ‘grelpa mal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa skya pa chen po la byang chub sems dpa zla ba rgyal mtshan kyis zhus pa. LL XXVII.397-529.
A ‘u ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. gZhung rdo rje’i tshig rkanggi ‘grelpa mal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa skya pa chen po la jo mo ‘a ‘u mas zhus pa. LL XXIX.161-295.
Yar lung jo bo’i chos ‘byung.
Shakya rin-chen sde. Edited by Ngag dbang, 1988. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang.
Yi ge’i bklag thab byispa bde blag tu ‘jugpa.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.345.4.1-49.4.6.
Yum don ma.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. gZhung rdo rjei tshig rkanggi ‘grelpa rnal ‘byor dbang phyug dpal sa sky a pa chenpo la yum ma gcig zhang mo’i don du mdzad pa. LL XXIX.1-159.
Rin chen gter mdzod chen mo.
Kong-sprul bLo-gros mtha’-yas. 111 vols. Paro: Ngodrub and Sherab Drimay, 1976-80.
Rin chen snang ba shlo ka nyi shupa’i rnam par ‘grelpa.
Pod ser, pp. 194-243.
Rang zom chos bzang gi gsung ‘bum. 2 vols.
Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 2001.
Rang zom gsung thor bu.
Rong-zom Chos-kyi bzang-po. Selected Writings (Gsuh Thor Bu) of Ron- zom Cbos-kyi-bzah-po. Leh: ‘Khor-gdon Gter-sprul ‘Chi-med-rig-‘dzin, 1974.
Rwa sgreng dgon pa’i dkar chag.
Lhun-grub chos-‘phel. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1994.
Rwa lo tsa ba’i rnam thar.
Attributed to Rwa ye-shes seng-ge. mThu stobs dbang phyug rje btsun rwa lo tsa ba’i rnam par thar pa kun khyab snyan pa’i snga sgra. Xining: mTsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1989.
rLangs kyi po ti bse ru rgyas pa.
Asc. Si-tu Byang-chub rgyal-mtshan, but with later additions. Lhasa: Bod ljongs mi dmangs dpe skrun khang, 1986.
Lam jug pa dang ldogs pa.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. Pod ser, pp. 323-25.
Lam ‘bras khogphub.
A-mes-zhab Ngag-dbang kun-dga’ bsod-nams. Yongs rdzogs bstan pa rin po che’i nyam len gyi man ngag gsung ngag rin po che’i byon tshul khog phub dang bcas pa rgyas par bshad pa legs bshad duspa’i rgya mtsho. LL XXII.i – 314.
Lam ‘bras rgyud pa’i gsol ‘debs.
Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.81.3.1-82.4.5.
Lam ‘bras snyan brgyud.
In gZun bsad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Texts, pp. 405-590.
Lam ‘bras byung tshul.
Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po, supplemented by Gung-ru Shes-rab bzang-po.
Lam ‘bras bu dang bcas pa’i man ngag gi byung tshul gsung ngag rinpo che bstan pa rgyas pa’i nyi ‘od. SKB IX.108-26.
Lam ‘bras lam skor sogs kyi gsan yig.
‘Phags-pa bLo-gros rgyal-mtshan. SKB VI.32.4.1 – 35.1.4.
Lam ‘bras slob bshad.
Edited by Sa-skya Khri-‘dzin Ngag gi dbang phyug, 1983/84. 31 vols. Dehra Dun: Sakya Centre.
Lam zab mo bla ma’i rnal ‘byor.
Asc. Sa-skya Pandita. SKB V.339.3.1-43.4.1.
Lus kyi dkyi ‘khor.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. Pod ser, pp. 135-38.
Lo tsa ba chenpoi bsdus don.
rNgog bLo-ldan shes-rab. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1993-
Sa sky a bka’ ‘bum.
Edited by Bsod Nams Rgya Mtsho, 1968. The Complete Works of the Great Masters of the Sa Skya Sect of the Tibetan Buddhism. 14 vols. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko.
Sa skya gsung rab dkar chag. dPal ldan sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma lnga’i gsung rab rin po che’i par gyi sgo ‘phar ‘byedpa’i dkar chag ‘phrulgyi lde’u mig.
By dGe-slong bKra-shis Lhun-grub. SKB VII.310.3.1-43.1.6.
Sa skya legs bshad gter.
Sa-skya Pandita. SKB V.50.2.1-61.32.6. See Bosson 1969.
Sa skya’i gdung rabs.
sGra-tshad-pa Rin-chen rnam-rgyal. In Bu ston bka ‘bum, vol. 28, pp. 309-14.
Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung maphyi gsar rnyed.
Edited by bSod-nams tshe-‘phel et al. 3 vols. n.p. (Lhasa?): n.d. (late 1980s?). Copy provided courtesy of E. Gene Smith and the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, Cambridge, Mass.
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Sras don ma.
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Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.345.1.1-46.1.4.
sLob dpon Phya pa la bstodpa.
bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.39.4.4-41.2.5.
sLob dpon mtsho skyes kyi lo rgyus.
Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. SKB I.380.4.1-81.4.3.
gSang dus stong thun.
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gSung sgros ma.
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gSo dpyad rgyal po’i dkor mdzod.
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