

Эволюция ранней йога-тантры (по материалам дуньхуанских рукописей)

5. Библиграфия

A. Первичные источники

Krisna-yamari-tantra. Rinpoche, Samdhong and Dvivedi, Vrajvallabh, eds. (1992). Krs. n. ayamari-tantra with Ratnavali Panjika of Kumaracandra. Rare Buddhist Text Series-9. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.

Guhyagarbha Tantra. The mTshams-Brag Manuscript of the rNying-ma rgyud ‘bum. Thimphu, Bhutan: National Library, Vol. wa, fols. pp. 152.6–218.7.

Guhyasamaja Tantra. Matsunaga, Yukei, ed. (1978). Osaka: Toho Shuppan, Inc.

Tattvaratnaloka. Asc. Vagisvarakirti, P. 2753.

Thugs kyi sgron ma. Asc. Dpal dbyangs, P. 5918.

Dvikramatattvabhavana-Mukhagama. Asc. Buddhasrijnana, P. 2716.

Mdo ‘grel mun pa’i go cha. Asc. Gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes. In Bdud ’joms ’Jigs bral Ye shes Rdo rje, ed. (1982). Rnying ma bka’ ma rgyas pa. Kalimpong, W.B.: Dubjang Lama. Vols. 50–51.

Rdo rje sems dpa’i zhu lan. Asc. Dpal dbyangs, P. 5080. A complete version also appears in ITJ470, which is a direct copy of PT837.

Sriguhyagarbhamahatantrarajatika-nama. Asc. Vilasavajra, P. 4718.

Sukusuma-nama-dvikramatattvabhavana-Mukhagama-vritti. Asc. Vitapada, P. 2729.

Bsam gtan mig sgron. Asc. Gnubs chen Sangs rgyas ye shes (1974). Rnal ‘byor mig gi bsam gtan. Leh, Ladakh: S.W. Tashigangpa.

Hevajra Tantra. Snellgrove, David L., ed. and trans. (1959). The Hevajra Tantra: A Critical Study. London Oriental Series, Vol. 6. London: Oxford University Press, 2 Vols.

ITJ464: Skal bskyed ces bya ba bsgrub pa’i thabs. A sadhana possibly associated with the Guhyasamaja Tantra. Almost identical to ITJ331/2.

ITJ331/2: Skal bskyed ces bya ba bsgrub pa’i thabs. A sadhana possibly associated with the Guhyasamaja Tantra. Title assumed based on the item’s similarity to ITJ464.

ITJ332/1: De kho na nyid kyi snang ba dam pa rgyan gi sgom thabs. A sadhana associated with the Guhyagarbha Tantra.

ITJ447/1: Untitled commentary to the Aryatattvasamgraha-sadhanopayika, which appears in the same hand in ITJ448/1 and in another hand in ITJ417.

ITJ448/1: Aryatattvasamgraha-sadhanopayika. A Yoga tantra sadhana related to the STTS. Title assumed based on the item’s similarity to ITJ417.

ITJ417: Aryatattvasamgraha-sadhanopayika. A Yoga tantra sadhana related to the STTS. ITJ576: Untitled ritual manual for an initiation ceremony. Possibly associated with the STTS.

ITJ716/1: Untitled. Mahayoga ritual manual.

ITJ754/8: Untitled. Treatise on various topics relating to Mahayoga.

PT36: Untitled. Mahayoga ritual manual.

PT254: Untitled. Fragments from a Mahayoga ritual manual.

PT279: Untitled. Mahayoga ritual manual. PT321: Untitled. Mahayoga ritual manual.

PT626: Commentary to an unidentified Mahayoga sadhana (compare PT634). PT634: Commentary to an unidentified Mahayoga sadhana (compare PT626).

PT656: Spyi’i lung chen po bdun so so’i lta ba dang spyod pa bstan pa gsungs pa’i don man ngag. Presentation of a seven-part doxographical system.

PT841: Untitled. Short treatise on sbyor grol in Mahayoga and Anuyoga.

B. Дополнительные источники

Dalton, Jacob P. (2002). The Uses of the Dgongs pa ‘dus pa’i mdo in the Development of the Rnying ma School of Tibetan Buddhism. Unpublished dissertation, University of Michigan.

Dalton (forthcoming), A Crisis of Doxography: How Tibetans Organized Tantra during the 8th–10th Centuries.

Davidson, Ronald M. (1981). The litany of names of Manjusri. In Michael Strickmann (ed.), Mélanges Chinois et Bouddhiques Vol. XX (pp. 1–69).

Davidson, Ronald M. (2002a). Indian Esoteric Buddhism: A Social History. New York: Columbia University Press.

Davidson, Ronald M. (2002b). Refraining Sahaja: Genre, representation, ritual and lineage. Journal of Indian Philosophy 30 (1), 45–83.

Dorje, Gyurme (1987). The Guhyagarbhatantra and its XIVth Century Tibetan Commentary, phyogs bcu mun sel. Unpublished dissertation, SOAS, University of London.

Dudjom, Rinpoche (1991). The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism. Translated by Gyurrne Dorje. Boston: Wisdom Publications.

Edgerton, Franklin (1965). The Beginnings of Indian Philosophy. London: George Allen & Unwin.

Germano, David (1994). Architecture and absence in the secret tantric history of the great perfection. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 17 (2), 203–335. Hodge, Stephen (2003). The Maha-vairocana-abhisam. bodhi Tantra with Buddhaguhya’s Commentary. London: Routledge Curzon.

Karmay, Samten (1988). The Great Perfection. Leiden: E.J. Brill.

Matsunaga, Yukei (1977). Some problems of the Guhyasamaja-tantra. In L. Chandra and P. Ratnam (eds), Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture (pp. 109–119). New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture.

Mayer, Robert & Cathy Cantwell (1994). A Dunhuang manuscript on Vajrakılaya [IOL MSS TIB J 754,81–82]. Tibet Journal 19 (1), 54–67.

Mimaki, Katsumi (1992). The intellectual sequence of Ratnakarasanti, Jnanasrimitra and Ratnakirti. Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques 46 (1), 297–303.

Monier-Williams, M. (1899). Sanskrit-English Dictionary. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Onians, Isabelle (2003). Tantric Buddhist Apologetics, or Antinomianism as a Norm. Unpublished dissertation, Oxford University.

Skorupski, Tadeusz (1983). The Sarvadurgatiparisodhana Tantra. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Snellgrove, David L. (1959). The Hevajra Tantra: A Critical Study. London Oriental Series, Vol. 6. London: Oxford University Press, 2 vols.

Snellgrove, David L. (1987). Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and their Tibetan Successors. Boston: Shambala Publications, 2 vols.

Vallée Poussin, Louis de la. (1962). Catalogue of the Tibetan Manuscripts from Tun-huang in the India Office Library. London: Oxford University Press.

Zimmer, Heinrich (1951). Philosophies of India. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


ITJ  IOL Tib J: Reference for Tibetan-language materials from the Stein collection of Dunhuang manuscripts held by the British Library.

PT  Pelliot tibétain: Reference for Tibetan-language materials from the Pelliot collection of Dunhuang manuscripts held by the Bibliotèque Nationale.

P     Peking edition of the Tibetan canon.


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