<<К оглавлению Семека Е.С. «История буддизма на Цейлоне» |
В библиографии даются только работы, использованные при написании данной книги; подробный перечень литературы по буддизму на Цейлоне см.: Е. W. Ware, Bibliography on Ceylon, Miami.
Тексты буддийского канона, хроники, комментарии
Anguttara-nikaya, vol. I-II, ed. byR. Morris, London, 1885-1838 (reor. 1956); vol. Ill-V, ed. Ь/ E. Hardy, London, 1950; vol. VI (Indexes), ed. by M. Hunt and Mrs. Rhys Davids, London, 1950 (PTS). [Asariga], Abhidharma-sammuccaya of Asaiiga, ed. by P. Pradhan, Santiniketan, 1950.
Buddhaghosa (комментарии):
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Abhidhamma Pitaka, London, [б.г.].
Kahkhavitarani nama matikatthakatha, Commentary on the Patimokkha, London, 1956. Manorathapurani, Commentary on the Anguttara-nikaya, vol. I, ed.by M. Walleser and H. Kopp, London, 1924; vol. II-V, ed. by H. Kopp, London, 1930-1957 (PTS).
Pancappakaranatthakatha (Kathavatthuopakaranavannana), ed. by I. Minaev, London, 1917-1919 (JPTS).
Papancasudani, Majjhimanikayatthakatha, Commentary on the Majjhima-nikaya, ed. by J. H. Woods and D. Kosambi, vol. I-II, Londan, 1933-1938 (PTS).
Paramatthajotika or the Commentary to the Suttanipata on the Khuddakanikaya, Sutta Pitaka, Colombo, 1920. Patthanappakarana Atthakatha, ed. by Mrs. Rhys Davids, London, [б.г.] (PTS).
Puggalapanilatti Atthakatha, ed. by G. Landsberg and Mrs. Rhys Davids, London, JPTS, 1913-1914.
Samantapasadika, Commentary on the Vinaya Pitaka, ed. by J. Takakusu and M. Nagai, vol. I-VII, London, 1924-1947.
Sammohavinodani, Commentary on the Vibhanga, ed. by A. P. Buddhadatta Thera, Londan, 1923 (PTS).
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Sumarigalavilasini, Commentary on the Digha- nikaya, vol. I, ed. by T. W. Rhys Davids and J. E. Carpenter, London, 1886; vol. II-III, ed. by W. Stede, London, 1931-1932 (PTS).
Visuddhimagga, ed. by Mrs. Rhys Davids, vol. I-II, Colombo, 1920-1921 (PTS).
Yamakatthakatha, Commentary on the Yamaca, ed. by Mrs. Rhys Davids, London, JPTS, 1912. «Buddhist Birth Stories», еd.. by V. Fausboll, vol. I-VII, London, 1877-1897.
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Dipavamsa, ed. and transl. by H. Oldenberg, London, 1879. Divyavadana, ed. by E. B. Cowell and R. A. Neil, Cambridge, 1886.
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[Gurulugomi], Dharmapradlpika by Gurulugomi, ed. by Sri Dharmarama, Colombo, 1915.
[H iuen Tsiang]:
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Lalitavistara, hrsg. von S. Lefmann, Bd I-II, Halle, 1902-1908. Mahabodhivamsa, ed. by Arthur Strong, London, 1891 (PTS). Mahavagga, ed. by B. Saddhatissa Thera, Alutgama, 1922. Mahavamsa, ed. by W. Geiger, London, 1934 (PTS). Mahavamsa, or the Great Chronicle of Cevlon, transl. into engl. by W. Geiger, Colomba, 1950 (PTS).
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Rasavahini, ed. by Saranatissa Thera, pt I-II, Colambo, 1913- 1920.
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Vinaya Pitaka, ed. by H. Oldenberg, vol. I-II, London, 1929-1930 (PTS).
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Соdringtоn H. W.:
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Kanapatti Pillai:
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