


Дэвидсон Р. М. «Индийский эзотерический буддизм: социальная история тантрического движения»
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The bibliography is ordered as follows: Indic and Ostensibly Indic Tibetan Sources, Chinese Sources, Indigenous Tibetan Sources, Archaeological and Epigraphic Materials, and General Modern Sources. Indic sources are arranged according to the Sanskrit alphabet, with Tibetan titles for which there is no Indic equivalent inserted in Tibetan dictionary order. Indige nous Tibetan sources are also in dictionary order. Chinese sources and general modern sources are ordered according to the Roman alphabet.



Shastri, Haraprasad, ed. 1927. Advayavajrasamgraha. GOS, no. 40. Baroda: Oriental Institute.


Lilley, M., ed. 1925–27. Apadana. London: Oxford University Press for the Pali Text Society.


Pradhan, Pralhad, ed. 1975. Abhidharmakosabhasyam of Vasubandhu. TSWS, vol. 8. 2d. rev. ed. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.


Pradhan, Pralhad, ed. 1950. Abhidharma Samuccaya of Asanga. Santiniketan: Visvabharati. To. 4049; T. 1605.


Tatia, Nathmal, ed. 1976. Abhidharmasamuccaya-bhasyam. TSWS, no. 17. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute. To. 4053; T. 1606.

Abhidharmasamuccaya-vyakhya. Asc. Jinaputra. To. 4054. bsTan-’gyur, sems-tsam, li, fols. 117a5–293a7.

Abhisekanirukti. Asc. Ratnakarasanti. To. 2476. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 159b4–168b7.


Vaidya, P. L., ed. 1960. Astasahasrika Prajnaparamita with Haribhadra’s Commentary Called Aloka. BST, no. 4. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.


Meisezahl, R. O. 1962. “The Amoghapasahrdaya-dharani: The Early Sanskrit Manuscript of the Ruiunji Critically Edited and Translated.” Monumenta Nipponica 17:265–328.


Kangle, R. P., ed. and trans. 1960. The Kautiliya Arthasastra. University of Bombay Studies in Sanskrit, Pakrit, and Pali, nos. 1–3. Bombay: University of Bombay. See Scharfe 1993, below.

*Ardhapancamagatha. Asc. Nagabuddhi. To. 2278. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 128a6–133a4.


Vaidya, P. L., ed. 1958. Avadanasatakam. BST, no. 19. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.


Kale, M. R. 1966. Dasakumaracarita of Dandin. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Uddiyanasriyogayoginisvabhutasambhoga-smasanakalpa. Asc. Birba-pa (Virupa).

To. 1744. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, sha, fols. 111b6–113b2.


Van Nooten, Barend A., and Gary B. Holland. 1994. Rig Veda: A Metrically Restored Text with an Introduction and Notes. HOS, vol. 50. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.


Yamada, Isshi. 1968. Karunapundarika: The White Lotus of Compassion. 2 vols. London: School of Oriental and African Studies. Reprint, New Delhi: Heritage, 1989.


Konow, Sten, and Charles Rockwell Lanman, ed. and trans. 1901. Raja-Çekhara’s Karpura-Manjari—A Drama by the Indian Poet Rajaçekhara (About 900 a.d.). HOS, vol. 4. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Kanhapadasya dohakosa.

Bagchi, Prabodh Chandra. 1935. Dohakosa. University of Calcutta Journal of the Department of Letters 28. [Monograph with the surviving anonymous Sanskrit commentary.]

Shahidullah, M. 1928. Les Chants mystiques de Kanha et de Saraha—les Doha-Kosa. Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve.


Mette, Adelheid, ed. and trans. 1997. Die Gilgitfragmente des Karandavyuha. Indica et Tibetica Monographien zu end Sprachen und Literaturen des indo- tibetischen Kulturraumes, no. 29. Swisttal-Odendorf: Indica et Tibetica Verlag.

Vaidya, P. L., ed. 1961. Mahayana-Sutra-SaMgraha. Part 1. BST, no. 17, pp. 258–308. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.


Shastri, B. N. 1991–92. The Kalikapurana (Text, Introduction & Translation in English). 3 vols. Delhi: Nag Publishers. Kavyamimamsa.

Parashar, Sadhana, ed. and trans. 2000. KavyamimaMsa of Rajasekhara: Original Text in Sanskrit and Translation with Explanatory Notes. New Delhi: D. K. Printworld.


Sastry, P. V. Naganatha. 1970. Kavyalankara of Bhamaha—Edited with English Translation and Notes. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.


Bahadur, Kaisher, ed. and trans. 1972. The Kiratarjuniye by Bharavi. Vol. 1. Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar.


Goudriaan, T., and J. A. Schoterman, eds. 1988. Kubjikamatatantra— Kulalikamnaya Version. Leiden: E. J. Brill.

Kularnava Tantra.

Vidyaratna, Taranatha, ed. 1917. Kularnava Tantra. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1965.


Aiyangar, K. V. Rangaswami, ed. 1942. Krtyakalpataru of Bhatta Laksmidhara. Vol. 8: Tirthavivecana-kanda. GOS, no. 98. Baroda: Oriental Institute.

———. 1943. Idem. Vol. 11: Rajadharma-kanda. GOS, no. 100. Baroda: Oriental Institute.

———. 1950. Idem. Vol. 4: Sraddhakanda. GOS, no. 110. Baroda: Oriental Institute.


Rinpoche, Samdhong, and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, eds. 1992. Krsnayamari-tantram with Ratnavali Panjika of Kumaracandra. RBTS, no. 9. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.

Kosalalamkara-tattvasamgraha-tika. Sakyamitra. To. 2503. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, yi, fols. 1b1–245a7, ri, fols. 1b1–202a5.

Khasama-tantraraja. To. 386. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ga, fols. 199a7–202a1.

Khasama-tantra-tika. Ratnakarasanti.

Upadhyay, Jagannath, ed. 1983. Khasama-tantra-tika.Varanasi: Sampurnananda Samskrta Visvavidyalaya. To. 1424. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, wa, fols. 153a3–171a7.


Suru, N. G., ed. and trans. 1975. Gaüdavaho of Vakpatiraja. Prakrit Text Society Series, no. 18. Ahmedabad: Prakrit Text Society.


Suzuki, Daisetz Teitaro, and Hokei Idzumi, eds. 1949. The Gandavyuha Sutra. 2d rev. ed. Tokyo: Society for the Publication of Sacred Books of the World.

Guhyagarbha-tantra (also known as Guhyakosa-tantra). To. 832. bsTan-’gyur, rnying rgyud, kha, fols. 110b1–132a7. See Kaneko 1982, no. 187.

Guhyasamaja Mahaguhyatantraraja.

Matsunaga, Yukei, ed. 1978. Guhyasamaja Tantra. Osaka: Toho Shuppan.

Guhyasiddhi. Asc. Padmavajra.

Rinpoche, Samdhong, and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, eds. 1987. Guhyadi-Astasiddhi- Sangraha. RBTS, no. 1, pp. 5–62. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.

Guhyarthaprakasamahadbhuta. Asc. Gambhiravajra (Zab-pa’i rdo-rje). To. 1200. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ja, fols. 111a2–154b1.


Pandeya, Janardana Sastri, ed. 1973. Goraksasiddhantasangraha. Saraswatibhavana- Granthamala, Vol. 110. Varanasi: Varanaseya Sanskrta Visvavidyalaya.

Grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi’i gsol ‘debs. Asc. Vajrasana. To. 3758. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, tshu, fols. 110a6–113b3.

Grub thob lnga bcu’i rtogs pa brjod pa thig le ‘od kyi phreng ba. Asc. *Dakini. To. 2444. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 71b1–74a7.


George, Christopher S., ed. and trans. 1974. Candamaharosana-tantra. New Haven, CT: American Oriental Society. To. 431.

Catuhpitha-mahayogini-tantraraja. To. 428. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, nga, fols. 181a1–231b5.


Lang, Karen, ed. and trans. 1981. Aryadeva’s Catuhsataka: On the Bodhisattva’s Cultivation of Merit and Knowledge. Indiske Studier, no. 7. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag.

*Caturasitisiddhapravrtti. Asc. Abhayadattasri. Pe. 5091.

Dowman, Keith, trans. 1985. Masters of Mahamudra: Songs and Histories of the Eighty-Four Buddhist Siddhas. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Robinson, James B., ed. and trans. 1979. Buddha’s Lions: The Lives of the Eighty- Four Siddhas. Berkeley: Dharma.

*Caturasitisiddhasambodhihrdaya. Asc. dPa’-bo ‘od-gsal (*Viraprabha). To. 2292. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 153a6–158b1.

*Caturasitisiddhabhisamaya. Asc. *Srisena (dPal gyi sde) of Nepal. To. 4317. Ed. and trans. in Schmidt 1958, pp. 155–169.

Candraguhya-tilaka-mahatantraraja. To. 477. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ja, fols. 247b4–303a7.


Kværne, Per. 1977. An Anthology of Buddhist Tantric Songs: A Study of the Caryagiti. Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi II Hist.-Filos. Klasse Skrifter Ny Serie, no. 14. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Sen, Nilratan. 1977. Caryagitikosa Facsimile Edition. Simla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.

Cittaguhyagambhirarthagiti. Asc. Sabaresvara. To. 2448. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 82b1–83a1.

Cittaguhyadoha. Asc. *Dakini. To. 2443. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 67a3–71a7.

Chinnamundasadhana. Asc. Birwa. To. 1555. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, za, fols. 206a1–208a4. See Nihom 1992.

Jnanatilaka-tantra. Sri Jnanatilaka-yoginitantraraja-paramamahadbhuta. To. 422. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, nga, fols. 96b6–136b4.

Jnanatilakapanjika-guhyatattva. Attributed to Jnanaparama. To. 1203. bsTan- ’gyur, rgyud, ja, fols. 208b1–271b7.

Jnanasiddhi. Asc. Indrabhuti. Edited with Guhyasiddhi, pp. 93–157. Bhattacharya, Benoytosh, ed. 1929. Two Vajray¯ana Works. GOS, no. 44. Baroda: Oriental Institute.

Dakarnava-tantra. Sri Dakarnavamahayoginitantraraja. To. 372. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud- ’bum, kha, fols. 137a1–264b7. The Apabhramsa verses edited in Chaudhuri 1935.

Dakinyupadesasrotraparamparapidacchedanavavada. Anon. To. 2286. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 145a1–150a2.

Dakinijalasamvararahasya. Asc. Ananga Yogin. Rinpoche, Samdhong, and Vrajvallabh Dwivedi, eds. 1990.

Dakinijalasamvararahasya. RBTS, no. 8. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.

Tantrarthavatara. Asc. Buddhaguhya. To. 2501. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ‘i, fols. 1b1–91b6.

Tillopadadohakosa. In Bagchi 1935, with Kanhapadasya dohakosa, pp. 1–4, 41–51.

*Tirthikacandalika. Asc. Acarya Acinta. To. 2393. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 22b7–23a3. See chapter 5.


Lévi, Sylvain, ed. 1925. Vijnaptimatratasiddhi. Bibliothèque de l’École des Hautes Études, fasc. 245. Paris: Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion.

Trailokyavijaya-mahakalparaja. To. 482. bKa’-’gyur, gyud ‘bum, ta, fols. 10a1–57a7. T. 1171, 1172.


Kondo, Ryuko, ed. 1936. Dasabhumisvaro Nama Mahayanasutram. Rinsen Buddhist Text Series II. Reprint, Kyoto: Rinsen Book Company, 1983.


Vaidya, P. L., ed. 1959. Divyavadana. BST, no. 20. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.


Rhys Davids, T. W., and J. E. Carpenter, eds. 1890–1911. Dighanikaya. 3 vols. London: H. Frowde for the Pali Text Society.

Dohakosa. Asc. Birba-pa. To. 2280. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 134a1–136a4.

Dravva-samgaha. Nemicandra Siddhanta-cakravartti.

Ghoshal, Sarat Chandra, ed. and trans. 1917. Dravya-samgraha. The Sacred Books of the Jainas, vol. 1. Arrah: Central Jaina Publishing House.

Dvikramatattvabhavana-mukhagama. Asc. Buddhasrijnana. To. 1853. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, di, fols. 1b1–17b2.


Smith, H., and H. E. Norman, eds. 1906–1915. Dhammapadatthakatha. 5 vols. London: H. Frowde for the Pali Text Society.

Burlingame, E.W., trans. 1921. Buddhist Legends. HOS, nos. 28–30. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

*Dharanisamgraha. Translated 653–654 c.e. by *Atikuta. T.901.18.785a1–897b19. Dhyanottarapatalakrama. To. 808. bKa’-’gyur, gyud ‘bum, wa, fols. 223a1–225b7. Dhyanottara-patala-tika Asc. Buddhaguhya. To. 2670. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, thu, fols. 1b1–38a3.


Kavi, Manavalli Ramakrishna, ed. 1926–34. Natyasastra with the Commentary of Abhinavagupta. GOS, nos. 36 and 68. Baroda: Oriental Institute.

Namasamgitimandalavidhyakasavimala. Asc. Manjusrimitra. To. 2543. bsTan- ’gyur, rgyud, ngu, fols. 1b1–13b6. rnam par snang mdzad mngon par byang chub pa’i rgyud chen po’i ‘grel bshad. Asc.

Buddhaguhya. To. 2663. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, nyu, fols. 65a3–351a7, tu, fols. 1b1–116a7.

Nispannayogavali. Asc. Abhayakaragupta.

Bhattacharyya, Benoytosh, ed. 1949. Nispannayogavali. GOS, no. 109. Baroda: Oriental Institute.


Mitra, Rajendralal, ed. 1982. Revised with English translation by Sisir Kumar Mitra. The Nitisara or the Elements of Polity by Kamandaki. Bibliotheca Indica, no. 309. Calcutta: Asiatic Society.

Pancakrama. Asc. Siddha Nagarjuna.

Mimaki, Katsumi, and Toru Tomabechi, eds. 1994. Pancakrama—Sanskrit and Tibetan Texts Critically Edited with Verse Index and Facsimile Edition of the Sanskrit Manuscripts. Bibliotheca Codicum Asiaticorum, no. 8. Tokyo: Centre for East Asian Cultural Studies for UNESCO.

*Pancadasapatti. Anon. To. 2480. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fol. 180a3–5; a superior recension of the text is found in Manjusrikirti’s Vajrayanamulapattitika- margapradipa, To. 2488, bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fol. 220b5–7.

Paramattha-dipani (Theragatha-atthakatha).

Woodward, F. L., ed. 1940–52. Paramattha-dipani (Theragatha-atthakatha).

London: Pali Text Society.

Paramadya-mahayanakalparaja. To. 487. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ta, fols. 150b1–173a4. T. 220 (10), 240–4.


Seth, Pandita Haragovindadas Trikamacand, ed. 1963. Paiä-Sadda-Mahannavo. Prakrit Text Society series, no. 7. Varanasi: Prakrit Text Society.


Sastri, R. Ananthakrishna, ed. 1940. Pasupata Sutras with Pancharthabhashya–Kaundinya. Trivadrum Sanskrit Series no. CXLIII. Trivandrum: Oriental Manuscripts Library of the University of Travancore.

Pithadinirnaya. Asc. Sakyaraksita. To. 1606. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ‘a, fols. 130a1–137a7.

Potalakastaka. Anon.

Pandey, Janardan Shastri, ed. 1994. Bauddha-Stotra-Samgraha, pp. 123–124. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Po ta lar ‘gro ba’i lam yig. Anon. To. 3756. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, tshu, fols. 100a6–106b6.

Prajnaparamita-nayasatapancasatkatika. Asc. Jnanamitra. To. 2647. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ju, fols. 272b7–294a5.

Prajnopayaviniscayasiddhi. Asc. Anangavajra. Edited with Guhyasiddhi, pp. 63–88.


Chakravarti, Chintaharan, ed. 1984. Guhyasamajatantrapradipodyotanatika- satkotivyakhya. TSWS, no. 25. Patna: Kashi Prasad Jayaswal Research Institute.

dPal u rgyan du tshogs ‘khor byas pa’i dus su rnal ‘byor pa grub pa thob pa bzhi bcus rdo rje’i mgur bzhengs pa nyams kyi man ngag thig le gser gyi phreng ba. Anon. To. 2449. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 83a1–85b6.

‘Phags pa dpung bzangs kyis zhus ba’i rgyud kyi tshig gi don bshad pa’i brjed byang.

Anon. To. 2672. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, thu, fols. 54b7–100b6.

Buddhakapalatantrapanjika Tattvacandrika. Asc. Padmavajra. To. 1653 bsTan- ’gyur, rgyud, ra, fols. 150a3–166a7. [The title is incorrectly reconstructed by UI et al., the editors of the Tohoku catalogue, as Buddhakapalatantratattvacan- drikapanjika.]

Buddhacarita. Asc. Asvaghosa.

Johnston, E. H., ed. and trans. 1936. The Buddhacarita: or, Acts of the Buddha. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1972.


Poddar, Ram Prakash, and Neelima Sinha, ed. and trans. 1986. Buddhasvamin’s BrhatkathaslokasaMgraha with English Translation. Pracyabharati Series, no. 21. Varanasi: Tara Printing Works.


Vaidya, P.L., ed. 1960. Bodhicaryavatara of Santideva, with the Commentary Panjika of Prajnakaramati. BST, no. 12. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute.

Bodhipathapradipa. Asc. Atisa Dipamkarasrijnana. In Eimer 1978 below. Davidson, trans. 1995a.


Wogihara, Unrai, ed. 1930–36. Bodhisattvabhumi: A Statement of Whole Course of the Bodhisattva (Being Fifteenth Section of Yogacarabhumi). Reprint, Tokyo: Sankibo Buddhist Book Store, 1971. To. 4037; T. 1579. See Tatz 1986.


Sastri, Jagadisa L., ed. 1980. Brahmasutra-sankarabhasyam—With the Commentaries: Bhasyaratnaprabha of Govindananda, Bhamati of Vacaspatimisra, Nyaya-Nirnaya of Anandagiri. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Bhadracaryapranidhanarajatika. Asc. Sakyamitra. To. 4013. bsTan-’gyur, mdo ‘grel, nyi, fols. 201a4–234a4.


Vetal, Pt. Anantaram Sastri, et al., eds. 1963. Bhasanatakacakram. 2 vols. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office.


Roth, Gustav, ed. 1970. Bhiksuni-Vinaya: Manual of Discipline for Buddhist Nuns. TSWS, vol. 12. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.

Bhutadamara-mahatantraraja. To. 747. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, dza, fols. 238a1–263a7.


Sastri, T. Ganapati. 1920. Aryamanjusrimulakalpa. Trivandrum: Trivandrum Sanskrit Series. Reprint, Trivandrum: C B H Publications, 1992.

Ch. 53 (rajavyakarana) see Jayaswal 1934; cf. Matsunaga 1985.


Davidson, Ronald M., ed. and trans. 1981. “The Litany of Names of Manjusri: Text and Translation of the Manjusrinamasamgiti.” In Michel Strickmann, ed., Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R. A. Stein. MCB 20:1–69.


Lockwood, Michael, and A. Vishnu Bhat, ed. and trans. 1981. Mattavilasa Prahasana (“The Farce of Drunken Sport”) by King Mahendravikramavarma Pallava. Madras: Christian Literature Society.


La Vallée Poussin, Louis de, ed. 1907–12. Madhyamakavatara par Candrakirti. Bibliotheca Buddhica, no. IX. Saint-Petersburg: Académie Impériale des Sciences.

Huntington, C. W., trans. 1989. The Emptiness of Emptiness: An Introduction to Early Indian Madhyamika. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.

Manoratha-purani (Anguttara-nikaya Atthakatha).

Walleser, M., and H. Kopp, eds. 1924–1956. Manoratha-purani (Anguttara-nikaya Atthakatha). 5 vols. London: Oxford University Press for Pali Text Society.


Dagens, Bruno, ed. and trans. 1970–76. Mayamata—traité sanskrit d’architecture. Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie, nos. 40–I and II. Pondichéry: Institut Français d’Indologie.

———. 1985. Mayamata—An Indian Treatise on Housing Architecture and Iconography. New Delhi: Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Science & Research.

Mahakalatantra. To. 440. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ca, fols. 45b6–86a7. See Stablein 1976. Mahabharata. Santiparvan.

Sukthankar, Vishnu S., et al., ed. 1949–50. Mahabharata. Santiparvan. 2 parts. Poona: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute.


Shu¯ yo Takubo, ed. 1972. Arya-Maha-Mayuri Vidya-Rajni. Tokyo: Sankibo.

Mahamudrakanakamala. Asc. Maitripa. To. 2454. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 115b3–124b3.

*Mahayanavatara-sastra. Asc. *Drdhramati. T.1634.32.36a–49c.

Mahavairocanabhisambodhitantra. Extended title: Mahavairocanabhisambodhi- vikurvitadhisthana-vaipulyasutrendraraja-nama-dharmaparyaya. To. 494. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, tha, fols. 151b2–260a7; T.848.18.1a–55a.


Kale, M.R., ed. 1928. Bhavabhuti’s Malatimadhava, With the Commentary of Jagaddhara. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1983.

Manava Dharma Sastra.

Shastri, J. L., ed. 1983. Manusmrti, With the Sanskrit Commentary Manvartha- Muktavali of Kulluka Bhatta. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Doniger, Wendy, and Brian K. Smith, trans. The Laws of Manu. London and New York: Penguin Books, 1991.

Manasollasa. Asc. Bhulokamalla Somesvara, and probably written 1131 c.e.

Shrigondekar, G. K., ed. 1925–61. Manasollasa of King Bhulokamalla Somesvara. GOS, nos. 28, 64, and 138. Baroda: Oriental Institute.


Trenckner, V., ed. 1880. Milindapanha. London: Williams and Norgate.


La Vallée Poussin, Louis de, ed. 1903–1913. Mulamadhyamakakarikas de Nagarjuna avec la Prasannapada Commentaire de Candrakirti. Bibliotheca Buddhica, no. 4. St. Petersburg: l’Académie Impériale des Sciences.

Mulasarvastivada Vinaya.

Dutt, Nalinaksha, ed. 1941–50. Gilgit Manuscripts. Vols. 2 and 3. Srinagar: Kashmir Research Department.

Gnoli, Raniero, ed. 1977. The Gilgit Manuscript of the Sanghabhedavastu. Serie Oriental Roma, vol. 49, 2 pts. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.

———. 1978. The Gilgit Manuscript of the Sayanasanavastu and the Adhikaranavastu. Serie Oriental Roma, vol. 50. Rome: Istituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.

Ye shes kyi mkha’ ‘gro ma sum cu rtsa lnga’i rtogs pa brjod pa. Anon. To. 2450. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 85b6–88a1.


Bhattacharya, Vidushekhara, partially ed. 1957. The Yogacarabhumi of Acarya Asanga. Calcutta: University of Calcutta.

Cf. Bodhisattvabhumi, above, and Sravakabhumi below. To. 4035–4042. T. 1579.

Yogavataradisamgraha. Nepal National Archives, ms. trtiya 366–3. Modern copy in the Asiatic Society, ms. G8060.


Yuyama, Akira, ed. 1976. Prajna-paramita-ratna-gunasamcaya-gatha (Sanskrit Recension A). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Johnston, E. H., ed. 1950. Ratnagotravibhaga Mahayanottaratantrasastra. Patna: Bihar Research Society.


Takahata, Kanga, ed. 1954. Ratnamalavadana: A Garland of Precious Gems. Oriental Library Series D. Vol. 3. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko.


Stein, Marc Aurel, ed. 1892. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini or the Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir. Bombay: n.p.

Stein, Marc Aurel, trans. 1900. Kalhana’s Rajatarangini, a Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir. 2 vols. Westminster: n.p.

Ramayana. Balakanda.

Bhatt, G. H., ed. 1960. Ramayana. Balakanda. Baroda: Oriental Institute. Vaidya, P. L., ed. 1971. Yuddhakanda. Baroda: Oriental Institute.

Shah, Umakant P., ed. 1975. Uttarakanda. Baroda: Oriental Institute.


Yogatantra Department, ed. 1980. Rudrayamala. Yogatantra-Granthamala, vol. 7. Varanasi: Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya.

Laghusamvara-tantra. Tantraraja-srilaghusambara. To. 368. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud- ’bum, ka, fols. 213b1–246b7.


Nanjio, Bunyiu, ed. 1923. Lankavatara-sutra. Reprint, Bibliotheca Otaniensis, vol. 1. Kyoto: Otani University Press, 1956.

Lam ‘bras bu dang bcas pa’i gdams ngag dang man ngag tu bcas pa. Asc. Virupa. To. 2284. bsTan-`gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 139a6–142b7.

*Vajragarbhatantrarajasutra. T.1198.20.542c-548b. Trans. in Bagchi 1944.

Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita.

Conze, Edward, ed. and trans. 1957. Vajracchedika Prajnaparamita. Serie Orientale Roma, no. 13. Rome: Is.M.E.O.

Vajrapanjara. Dakinivajrapanjara-mahatantrarajakalpa. To. 419. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, nga, fols. 30a4–65b7.

Vajrapany-abhiseka-mahatantra. To. 496. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud ‘bum, da, fols. 1b1–156b7.

Vajrapadasarasamgrahapanjika. Asc. *Yasaskirtibhadra (snyan-grags bzng-po). To. 1186. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ga, fols. 58b4–146b6.

Vajramahabhairava-tantra. To. 468. Ed. and trans. in Siklós 1996.

Vajramalabhidhana-mahayoga-tantra. To. 445. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ca, fols. 208a1–277b3.

*Vajrayanacaturdasamulapattitika. Asc. Laksmikara. To. 2485. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 181a5–185a7.

*Vajrayanamulapattitika [rDo rje theg pa’i rtsa ba’i ltung ba’i rgya cher ‘grel pa]. Asc.

*Garbhapada (snying-po-zhabs). To. 2486. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 185a7–192b6.

Vajrayanamulapattitika-margapradipa. Asc. Manjusrikirti. To. 2488. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 197b7–231b7.

Vajrayanasthulapatti. Asc. Nagarjuna. To. 2482. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 180a2–b3.


Iwamoto, Yukata, ed. 1937. Kleinere Dharani Texte, pp. 7–9. Beiträge zur Indologie, no. 2. Kyoto: n.p.

Vajravidaranadharanyekavirasadhana. Asc. Buddhaguhya. To. 2926. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, nu, fols. 329a6–330a3.

Vajrasekhara-mahaguhyayogatantra. To. 480. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, nya, fols. 142b1–274a5.


Hartmann, Jens-Uwe, ed. 1987. Das Varnarhavarnastotra des Matrceta.

Sanskrittetexte aus den Turfanfunden, vol. 12. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. To. 1138.


Johnston, E. H., and Arnold Kunst, ed.; Bhattacharya, Kamaleswar, trans. 1978.

The Dialectical Method of Nagarjuna. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Vidyottama-mahatantra. To. 746. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, dza, fols. 1b1–237b7.


Upadhyaya, Jagannatha, ed. 1986. Vimalaprabha. Bibliotheca Indo-Tibetica Series no. XI. Sarnath: Central Institute for Higher Tibetan Studies.

Viruapadacaurasi. Asc. Virupa. To. 2283. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 138a4–139a6.


Goudriaan, Teun, ed. and trans. 1985. The Vinasikhatantra: A Saiva Tantra of the Left Current. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Vairocanabhisambodhitantrapindartha. Asc. Buddhaguhya. To. 2662. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, nyu, fols. 1–65a.

Vyaktabhavanugata-tattva-siddhi. Asc. Yogini Cinta. With Guhyasiddhi, pp. 169–179.


Bailey, D.R. Shackleton, ed. and trans. 1951. The Satapancasatka of Matrceta. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Mukhopadhyaya, Sujitkumar, ed. 1954. Sardulakarnavadana. Santiniketan: Visvabharati. To. 358. T.551, 552, 1300, 1301.

Siksasamuccaya. Asc. Santideva.

Vaidya, P.L., ed. 1961. Siksasamuccaya of Santideva. BST, no. 11. Darbhanga: Mithila Institute. To. 3940. T. 1636.

Sunyatadrsti. Asc. Sabaripa. To. 2426. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 40a3–40b1. Translated in chapter 5.


Shukla, Karunesha, ed. 1973. Sravakabhumi of Acarya Asanga. TSWS, vol. 14.

Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.

Sri-Krsnavajrapadadohakosatika. Asc. *Amitabha. To. 2302. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 230a6–242b7.

Sri-Guhyasamajatantra-nidana-gurupadesana-vyakhyana. Asc.Vilasavajra. To. 1910. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, phi, fols. 89b1–97b5.

Sri-Jnanatilakapanjika-guhyatattva. Asc. Jnanavarman. To. 1203. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ja, fols. 208b1–271b7.

Sri-Tattvapradipa-mahayogini-tantraraja. To. 423. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, nga, fols. 136b5–142b7.

Sri-Buddhakapala-yogini-tantra-raja. To. 424. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, nga, fols. 143a1–167a5; Pe. 63. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, da, fols. 126b4–153a6.

Sri-Buddhakapalatantrapanjika Jnanavati. Asc. Saraha. To 1652. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ra, fols. 104b1–150a2.

Sri-Buddhakapalamahatantrarajatika Abhayapaddhatih. Asc. Abhayakaragupta.

To. 1654, bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ra, fols. 166b1–255b3. Manuscript Asiatic Society no. 3827; Nepal National Archives, ms. panca 21.

Sri-Samputatantrarajatikamnyayamanjari. Asc. Abhayakaragupta. To. 1198. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, cha, fols. 1b1–316a7.

Sri-Sahajapradipa-panjika. Asc. *Vajragupta. To. 1202. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ja, fols. 160a1–208b1.

Sri Hevajrapanjika muktavali. Asc. Ratnakarasanti.

Tripathi, Ram Shankar, and Thakur Sain Negi, eds. 2001. Hevajratantram with Muktavalipanjika of Mahapanditacarya Ratnakarasanti. Bibliotheca Indo- Tibetica Series, XLVIII. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies. To. 1189. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ga, fols. 221a1–297a7.

Satsahasra Samhita.

Schoterman, J. A. 1982. The Satsahasra Samhita: Chapters 1–5. Orientalia Rheno- Traiectina, vol. 27. Leiden: Brill.

Saddharmopadesa. Asc. Tillipa. To. 2330. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 270a7–271a3.


Tsuda, Shinichi, ed. and trans. 1974. The SaMvarodaya-Tantra—Selected Chapters. Tokyo: Hokuseido Press.

Samksiptabhisekavidhi. Asc. Vagisvarakirti. In Sakurai 1996, ed., pp. 407–441.


Eckel, Malcolm David, ed. and trans. 1987. Jnanagarbha’s Commentary on the Distinction Between the Two Truths. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Samdhi-bhasa-tika. Asc. Nagarjunapada. To. 1206. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ja fols. 297a5–301b4.

Sandhivyakarana-tantra. To. 444. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ca, fols. 158a1–207b7.


Schrader, F. Otto, ed. 1912. The Minor Upanisads—Vol 1: Samnyasa-Upanisads.

Madras: Adyar Library.

Olivelle, Patrick, trans. 1992. Samnyasa Upanisads: Hindu Scriptures on Asceticism and Renunciation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Samputa. Samputodbhava. To. 381. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ga, fols. 73b1–158b7; Pe. 26. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ga, fols. 244a2–330a5. Partially edited and described in Skorupski 1996.

Samputa-tilaka. To. 382. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ga, fols. 158b7–184a7.

Sarahapadasya dohakosa. Published with the surviving commentary in Bagchi 1935 and published and translated in Shahidullah 1928; see Kanhapadasya dohakosa.

Sarvatathagatatattvasamgraha. To. 479; T. 882.

Chandra, Lokesh, ed. 1987. Sarva-Tathagata-Tattva-Sangraha. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Yamada, Isshi, ed. 1980. Sarva-tathagata-Tattvasangraha: A Critical Edition Based on a Sanskrit Manuscript and Chinese and Tibetan Translations. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture.

See Iyanaga 1985 for a discussion of the textual transmission.

*Sarvatantranidanamahaguhyasrisamputatantrarajatika. Asc. Viravajra. To. 1199. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ja, fols. 1b1–111a2.


Skorupski, Tadeusz, ed. 1983. The Sarvadurgatiparisodhana Tantra—Elimination of All Evil Destinies. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.

Sarvabuddhasamayoga, or Sarvabuddhasamayoga-dakinijala-sambara-nama-uttara- tantra. (longer recension) To. 366. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, ka, fols. 151b1–193a6.

Sarvabuddhasamayoga-ganavidhi. Asc. Indrabhuti. To. 1672. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, la, fols. 195a7–199a4.

Sarvabuddhasamayoga-dakinimaya-sambara-tantrarthodaratika. Asc. Indranala (brGya-byin sdong-po). To. 1659. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ra, fols. 245a1–389a5. Commentary to To. 366.

Sarvabuddhasamayoga-dakinimaya-sambara-vrtti-samayogalamkara. Asc.

*Suratavajra (Rab-tu dga’-ba’i rdo-rje). To. 1660. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, ra, fols. 389a5–439a7. Commentary to To. 366.

Sarvabuddhasamayoga-tantraraja (shorter recension). rnying ma rgyud ‘bum, mTshams-brag ms., vol. tsha, fols. 1b1–26a7. Kaneko 1982, no. 207. Refer- ences are to the mTshams-brag.

*Sarvayogatattvaloka-vikalavajragiti. Anon. To. 2453. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zi, fols. 92b1–115b3.

Sahajasiddhi. Asc. Indrabhuti. To. 2260. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 1b1–4a3; Pe. 3107. bsTan-’gyur rgyud-’grel, tsi, fols. 1b1–4b7.

Sahajasiddhi-paddhati. Asc. Lha-lcam rje-btsun-ma dpal-mo (? = *Devibhattari- kasri). To. 2261. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zhi, fols. 4a3–25a1; Pe. 3108. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud-’grel, tsi, fols. 4b8–29a7.


Bhattacharya, Benoytosh, ed. 1925. Sadhanamala. GOS, nos. 26, 41. Baroda: Oriental Institute. Reprint, Baroda: Oriental Institute, 1968.


Pandey, Janardan, ed. 1998. Siddhaikaviramahatantra. RBTS, no. 20. Sarnath: Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies.

Sukusuma-nama-dvikramatattvabhavana-mukhagama-vrtti. Asc. Vitapada. To. 1866. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, di, fols. 87a3–139b3.

Sunisprapancatattvopadesa. Asc. Virupa. To. 2020. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, tsi, fols. 81a7–84a6.

Subahupariprccha. T.895.18.719a–746b, translated by Shan-wu-wei in 726 C.E.; To. 805. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, wa, fols. 118a–140b.

Subahupariprccha-tantra-pindartha. Asc. Buddhaguhya. To. 2671. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, thu, fols. 38a3–54b7.


Bendall, Cecil, ed. 1903–4. Subhasita-Samgraha. In Le Muséon 22 (1903): 375–402;

23 (1904): 1–46, 245–274.

Susiddhikara-mahatantrasadhanopayikapatala. To. 807. bKa’-’gyur, rgyud-’bum, wa, 168a1–222b7; T.893.18.603a-633c.


Johnston, E. H. 1928. The Saundarananda of Asvaghosa. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1975.

Hartmann, Jen-Uwe. 1988. Neue Asvaghosa und Matrceta-Fragmente aus Ostturkistan, pp. 18–23. Nachrichten der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Göttingen I. Philologische-Historische Klasse, no. 2. [includes new frag- ments and bibliography.]


Yogatantra Department, ed. 1992. Sri Svacchandatantra with the Commentary Uddyota’ by Mahamahesvara Sri Ksemaraja. Yogatantra-Granthamala, vol. 19. 5 parts. Varanasi: Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishvavidyalaya.


Kane, P. V., ed. 1918. The Harshacarita of Banabhatta. Bombay: Nirnaya Sagar. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidas, 1986.

He ru ka’i rnam par dag pa. Asc. Sraddhakaravarman. To. 1481. bsTan-’gyur, rgyud, zha, fols. 125a3–128b4.

Hevajra Tantra.

Snellgrove, David L. 1959. The Hevajra Tantra: A Critical Study. London Oriental Series, vol. 6. 2 pts. London: Oxford University Press. [Includes the Yogaratnamala of Kanhapada.]

Hevajrasekaprakriya. In Finot 1934, pp. 19–31.


Ch’an mi yao fa ching. T. 613.15.242a–267c. Translation asc. Kumarajiva between 402 and 412 c.e.

Chen yen tsung chiao shih i. T.2396.75.374a–450a.

Chen yüan hsin ting shih chiao mu lu. T.2157.55.771a–1048a. Composed in 800 c.e. by Yüan-chao.

Chin kang ting ching yü ch’ieh shih pa hui chih kuei. T.869.18.284c–287c. Translation asc. Amoghavajra between 746 and 774 c.e..

Hsü ku chin i ching t’u chi. T. 2152.55. Compiled by Chih Sheng in 730 c.e.

I tsu fo ting lun wang ching. T.951.19.224a–263b. Translation asc. Bodhiruci in 709 c.e.

K’ai yuan shih chiao mu lu. T.2154.55. Compiled by Chih Sheng in 730 c.e.

Kao seng fa hsien chuan. T.2085.51.857a–866c.

Legge, James, trans. 1886. A Record of Buddhistic Kingdoms. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Kuan fo san mei hai ching. T.643.15.645c–697a.

Kuan ting ching. T.1331.21.495a–536b. Translation asc. Srimitra, 317–322 c.e. See Strickmann 1990.

Nan hai chi kuei nei fa chuan. I-ching. T. 2125.54.204c–234a.

Takakusu, Junjiro, trans. 1896. A Record of the Buddhist Religion as Practice in India and the Malay Archipelago (a.d. 671–695). London: Clarendon Press.

Sung kao sung chuan. Tsan Ning, completed in 988 c.e. T. 2061.50.709a–900a.

Ta chou k’an ting chung ching mu lu. T. 2153.55. Compiled by Ming Chuan in 695 c.e.

Ta t’ang hsi yü chi. Hsüan-tsang. T.2087.51.

Beal, Samuel, trans. 1869. Si-yu-ki: Buddhist Records of the Western World.

London: Kegan Paul, Trench, and Trübner.

Ta t’ang hsi yü ch’iu fa kao seng chuan. I-ching. T.2066.51.1a–12b.

Lahiri, Latika, trans. 1986. Chinese Monks in India. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1995.


kLong chen chos ‘byung. Asc. (probably apocraphally) kLong-chen rab-’byams-pa (1308–1363). Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1991.

dKar chag ldan dkar ma. Pho brang stod thang ldan dkar gyi chos ‘gyur ro cog gi dkar chag. To. 4364.

Lalou, Marcelle. 1953. “Les Textes bouddhiques au temps du Roi Khri-sron-lde- bcan,” JA 241, no. 3: 313–353.

mKhas grub khyung po rnal ‘byor gyi rnam thar. Anon.

bSod nams tshe brtan, ed. 1996. Shangs pa bka’ brgyud pa bla rabs kyi rnam thar.

Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang.

mKhas pa’i dga’ ston. dPa’ bo gtsug lang phreng ba; written 1545–1564 c.e.

Dam pa’i chos kyi ‘khor lo bsgyur ba rnams kyi byung ba gsal bar byed pa mkhas pa’i dga’ ston. 2 vols. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang, 1986.

Grub mtha’ so so’i bz´ed tshul gz´un gsal bar ston pa chos ‘byun grub mtha’ chen po bstan pa’i sgron me. Rog Bande Shes-rab-’od. Leh, Ladakh: Tshul Khrims-Jam dbyang, 1971?

rGyud kyi rgyal po dpal kye rdo rje’i byung tshul dang brgyud pa’i bla ma dam parnams kyi rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar rgya mtsho. Written 1525 c.e. Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po. SKB IX.278.1.1–284.3.3.

rGyud kyi mngon par rtogs pa rin po che’i ljon shing. Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.1–70.1.

rGyud sde spyi’i rnam par gzhag pa. bSod-nams rtse-mo. SKB II.1–37.

Chag lo tsa ba’i rnam thar. ‘Ju-ba Chos-dar.

Roerich, G. N., ed. and trans. 1959. Biography of Dharmasvamin (Chag lo-tsa-ba Chos-rje-dpal). Historical Researches Series, vol. 2. Patna: K. P. Jayaswal Research Institute.

rnying ma rgyud ‘bum. mTshams-brag manuscript.

The mTshams-Brag Manuscript of the rnying-ma rgyud ‘bum. Thimphu, Bhutan: National Library, 1981.

rnying ma rgyud ‘bum. gTing-skyes manuscript.

The Collected Tantras of the Ancient School of Tibetan Buddhism. Thimbu, Bhutan: Dil mgo mkhyen brtse, 1973. See Kaneko 1982, for a catalogue of the gTing-skyes.

Ta ra na tha’i rgya gar chos ‘byung.

Schiefner, Antonius, ed. 1868. Târanâthæ de Doctrinæ Buddhicæ in India Propagatione. St. Petersburg: Imprimerie Academiæ Scientiarum.

bsTan ‘gyur gyi dkar chag yid bzhin nor bu dbang gi rgyal po’i phreng ba. Bu-ston Rin-chen-grub (1290–1364 c.e.).

Chandra, Lokesh, ed. 1971. The Collected Works of Bu-Ston. Sata-Pitaka Series, vol. 60, part 26, pp. 401–643. New Delhi: International Academy of Indian Culture.

Deb ther sngon po. 1984. ‘Gos lo-tsa-ba gZhon-nu dpal (written between 1476 and 1478 c.e.). 2 vols. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang.

Roerich, George N., trans. 1949. The Blue Annals. Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal Monograph Series, no. 7. 2 vols. Calcutta: Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal.

bDe mchog lu hi pa’i lugs kyi bla ma brgyud pa’i lo rgyus. Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan.

SKB III.293.2–298.4.

rnam thar rgyas pa.

Eimer, Helmut, ed. and trans. 1979. Rnam Thar Rgyas Pa: Materialien zu einer Biographie des Atisa (Dipamkarasrijnana). Asiatische Forschungen, no. 67. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz.

rnal ‘byor byang chub seng ge’i dris lan. Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB


Pod ser. First compiled by Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan, with many additions.


sPyod pa’i rgyud spyi’i rnam par gzhags pa legs par bshad pa’i sgron me. Completed by Ngor-chen Kun-dga’ bzang-po in 1420 c.e. SKB X.248.3.1–265.4.2.

Phyag rgya chen po gces pa btus pa’i man ngag. Collection attributed to Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB IV.302.3.1–311.4.5.

Bod rje lha btsan po’i gdung rabs tshig nyung don gsal. Kah-thog mkhan-po Tshe- dbang nor-bu (written 1745 c.e.). In Bod kyi lo rgyus deb ther khag lnga, pp. 55–86. Lhasa: Bod ljongs bod yig dpe rnying dpe skrun khang, 1990.

Bhir ba pa’i lo rgyus. In gzun bsad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Texts, pp. 347–404.

Bya rgyud spyi’i rnam par bshad pa legs par bshad pa’i rgya mtsho. Completed by Ngor-chen in 1420 c.e. SKB X.265.4.2–319.1.6.

bLa ma rgya gar ba’i lo rgyus. Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.170.1.1–173.1.6; LL I.2.1–14.4; LL XI.581–594.

bLa ma brgyud pa bod kyi lo rgyus. Grags-pa rgyal-mtshan. SKB III.173.1.7–174.1.7; LL I.14–18; LL XI.594–599.

bLa ma brgyud pa’i rnam par thar pa ngo mtshar snang ba. Asc. bLa-ma Dam-pa bSod-nams rgyal-mtshan (1312–1375), LL XVI.2–121.

bLa ma ba ri lo tsa ba rin chen grags kyi rnam thar. bSod-nams rtse-mo. Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung ma phyi gsar rnyed, 1:255–266.

dBa’ bzhed.

Wangdu, Pasang, and Hildegard Diemberger, ed. and trans. 2000. dBa’ bzhed: The Royal Narrative Concerning the Bringing of the Buddha’s Doctrine to Tibet. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse, Denkschriften, no. 219. Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

sBa bzhed.

mGon-po rgyal-mtshan, ed. 1980. sBa bzhed. Beijing: Mi rigs dpe skrun khang.

sBa bzhed zhabs btags ma.

Stein, Rolf A., ed. 1961. Une chronique ancienne de bSam-yas: sBa-bz´ed.

Publications de l’Institut des Hautes Études Chinoises, Textes et documents, no. 1. Paris: Institut de Hautes Études Chinoises.

Man ngag gces pa btus pa. Compiled by Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po (1092–1158). dPal sa skya pa’i man ngag gces pa btus pa rin po che’i phreng ba. SKB I.268.2.1–281.2.6.

Mar pa lo tsa’i rnam thar. Asc. Khrag-’thung rgyal-po (gTsang-smyong he-ru-ka, 1452–1507).

Mar pa lo tsa’i rnam thar. 1983. Chengdu: Si khron mi rigs dpe skrun khang. Nalanda Translation Committee, trans. 1982. The Life of Marpa the Translator. Boston and London: Shambhala.

Zhi byed snyan rgyud zab byed ma.

Aziz, Barbara Nimri, ed. 1979. The Tradition of Pha Dam-pa Sans-rgyas: A Treasured Collection of His Teachings Transmitted by Thugs-sras Kun-dga’. 5 vols. Thimphu: Druk Sherik Parkhang.

gZ´un bsad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Sa-skya-pa Texts. 1975. Tashi Dorje, ed. Dolanji, Himachal Pradesh: Tibetan Bompo Monastic Centre.

Rwa lo tsa ba’i rnam thar. Attributed to Rwa ye-shes seng-ge.

mThu stobs dbang phyug rje btsun rwa lo tsa ba’i rnam par thar pa kun khyab snyan pa’i snga sgra. 1989. Xining: mTsho sngon mi rigs dpe skrun khang.

Lam ‘bras snyan brgyud. In gZ´ un bsad Klog skya ma and Other Related Esoteric Texts, pp. 405–590.

Lam ‘bras slob bshad.

Sa-skya Khri-’dzin ngag gi dbang phyug, ed. 1983–84. Lam ‘bras slob bshad. 31 vols. Dehra Dun: Sakya Centre.

Sa skya bka’ ‘bum.

Bsod Nams Rgya Mtsho, ed. 1968. The Complete Works of the Great Masters of the Sa Skya Sect of the Tibetan Buddhism. 14 vols. Tokyo: Toyo Bunko.

Sa skya’i rje btsun gong ma rnam lnga’i gsung ma phyi gsar rnyed. bSod-nams tshe- ’phel et al., eds. 3 vols. n.p. (Lhasa?), n.d. (late 1980s). [Copy provided cour tesy of E. Gene Smith and the Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center, Cambridge, MA.]

Sras don ma. Sa-chen Kun-dga’ snying-po. Lam ‘bras gzhung bshad sras don ma.

LL XII.1–446.

Gsang ‘dus byung tshul. dPal gsang ba ‘dus pa’i dam pa’i chos byung ba’i tshul legs par bshad pa gsang ‘dus chos kun gsal pa’i nyin byed. 1985. A mes zhabs ngag-dbang kun-dga’ bsod-nams. Dehra Dun: Sakya Centre.

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